Someone stole my plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
I am starting to think people start threads like these cause their bored, and in fact have no plants even growing. It's starting to become a weekly thing around here... any who i really don't have anything to contribute to this thread besides a "floor" is not outside.... so either your b/s, or you put them inside and are telling people half truth half lie.... either way i could care less.

oh yea ,,,,,,, (7)


Active Member
Look man its like this. You wanna grow outside fine , great. But you have to keep it a secret. My first outdoor grow was awesome. I harvested 90% of my plants and when i went back the next day for the rest. they were gone. Buckets and everything. I let a few people see them. But everyone blamed it on the next guy. Every grow after that was top secret. and i have never had a problem
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