Something ate my plants...I'm Fu*ken sick to my stomach...can't breath...Nooooo


Well-Known Member
those punk-ass roaches started it and JohnnyBravo is going to finish it.

tried to leave you rep with the following comment but have to spread it around more first...
sorry that happened - maybe you should waterboard a few of those little bastards!
I've developed a new extermination method I'm calling "Raid Boarding"....I grab them bastards live and flippem upside down and hold their heads in a puddle of Raid until they stop kickin...:)


Well-Known Member

between filthyfletch, email, bravo...

shit i dont know who to laugh at more...yall are fucking retarded.... funny as hell!!!


Active Member
if you killed 40 of em ,you have a huge infestation and thats only the beginning ,sounds like you need your sub floor and roof void powdered,the powder is residual and will do the job ,you could use can spray bombs in the roof and subfloor also and will work ok ,except will leave no residual,and nothing can penetrate the eggs ,thats why you need a residual application like coopex powder.You could kill all the roaches in your house lets say,but in 2 months could be back to square 1 because all the eggs would have hatched,i have did pest control here in australia i know trust me,powder the roof and subloor


Well-Known Member

Don't spray, Caulk! Seal that mofo up!

Look hard enough and you can find low VOC caulks.

Rnn to BJ's or Costco and get a BIG thing of cyanne pepper or habenaro powder and coat the floor. Bugs hate it.

Tin foil and an electric fence controller :)

Spent plutonium?


Active Member
florida roaches are the worst. my last house was a horrible expierience with em'. people would come over and be like WTF? 20 bombs couldent kill em' all.
they were those lil german fuggers tho, worst than the big ones.
that was a hard two years in that damn house. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Can you show us a pic of these fucking roaches? i want to see what a plant eating roach looks like... :evil: Piece of shit bugs.


Well-Known Member
lol this reminds me of that garden grove song by Sublime

"Saying I'm happy when I'm not
Finding roaches in the pot"


Well-Known Member
well, in the end after humans roaches will still be here. little fucks
This is true - but i recall reading something interesting about rats and roaches in that they really thrive with humans around. If we disappeared the rat and roach population, while still remaining large, would be significantly reduced since humans provide food and warmth for them. Rats and roaches (and raccoons, pigeons, and foxes too) are excellent at exploiting us. anyway - nothing important - just thought i'd share.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you need your sub floor and roof void powdered,the powder is residual and will do the job ,you could use can spray bombs in the roof and subfloor also and will work ok ,except will leave no residual,and nothing can penetrate the eggs ,thats why you need a residual application like coopex powder.You could kill all the roaches in your house lets say,but in 2 months could be back to square 1 because all the eggs would have hatched,i have did pest control here in australia i know trust me,powder the roof and subloor
Thats good advise, I'll tell my neighbor to find a product that leaves a residual powder, cause you're spot on about those egg sacks being tough as nails.

It's the price people pay for living in Florida, Big Palmetto roaches, doesn't matter if you live in a Multi million dollar mansion or a trailer, you will get Palmetto roaches in your home.

Florida also has a nice population of invasive non native fire ants and spiders so big, you wonder how the hell they got into one's home. I remember my first fire ant encounter, I drove non stop from Boston to Florida, once in Florida I had a cardboard box stuck under my car's transmission, I had to go under the car to get it out, and the fire ants were the first to greet me and say welcome to Florida with a few dozen bites.

I live half the year in Florida, and like it or not, Palmetto bugs will eventually pop into one's home. The fire ants are here to stay as well. If a person suffers from Entomophobia, Florida isn't the best place to be. :o


Well-Known Member
man if i wre you if i see any roaches I would get a can of raid and a lighter and have some fun torturing those motherfuckers


Well-Known Member
if you killed 40 of em ,you have a huge infestation and thats only the beginning ,sounds like you need your sub floor and roof void powdered,the powder is residual and will do the job ,you could use can spray bombs in the roof and subfloor also and will work ok ,except will leave no residual,and nothing can penetrate the eggs ,thats why you need a residual application like coopex powder.You could kill all the roaches in your house lets say,but in 2 months could be back to square 1 because all the eggs would have hatched,i have did pest control here in australia i know trust me,powder the roof and subloor
Well My plants made it through last night....A couple more roaches were dead on the floor....LOL, even one on the inside of my Raid Mote...Mua haha....I don't think its an infestation as I always have a can of raid ready for our Florida Roaches....I just never used the area that I'm growing in and believe that was the only safe place for them to retreat to..(away from daily traffic)...I'll no in a couple months if they laid egg sacks but, For now i think my crisis is over:)


New Member
Dude get some Hi-Yield Malathion can be found at any hardware store it is a vegetable pesticide and works great for all bugs but has a very strong odor. do not use in the last 4 weeks of flower trust me. it says 2 but I'm telling you from experience. Bug bombs will work but take your plants outta the room.