Something better, something to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
ive been trying to embed these vids but havent been able to as of yet. if anyone can tell me how it is much appreciated


Well-Known Member
ive been trying to embed these vids but havent been able to as of yet. if anyone can tell me how it is much appreciated
like this?

Copy the URL and paste it in between this: [VIDEO] URL here [/VIDEO and then right after the O put another Bracket ]

You can only do one video at a time, for bandwidth purposes I assume.


Active Member
The little video strip icon above where you type your message. When you place the cursor over it it says "insert video". Copy the url from youtube then click on the insert video and paste the url there and then post reply.


Well-Known Member
ive been trying to embed these vids but havent been able to as of yet. if anyone can tell me how it is much appreciated
You push the little button on the top right of the edit pane.

But, please don't do that. Speak. Then perhaps illustrated with a video.

Else it is spam. What do we think? About what? See what I mean.

And most video are very stupid and not worth watching. See what I mean? :)

It isn't discussion. No topic.


Well-Known Member
Any project that thinks it can divorce itself from govt will be plowed under by pirates.

Hey, you guys. We did not get here with some theory of a project sky pie.

Find Now, and you won't need to look forward. So easy? It is not.


Well-Known Member
Where do the resources for a "resource based economy" come from if everyone gets whatever they want for free?

Does one work for their share of these resources?

Given fiat "credits" for their work?

How is that ANY different?

And wtf is with all the videos?!

There's nothing to read here nor on their website...I like reading as opposed to watching.

If they could build this and make it so the average joe could live there, or the rich joe or whatever, even the poor joe, then that would be very impressive. and if it was all made from top quality material (as if it was built for a king)............. that would be good..... Sorta like the pyramids, but better, nicer and usable for a long time.

Obviously it would have to be really high tech. I don't know how it would all work, but there would have to be some sort of built in system for recycling, possibly even alternative methods of doing things that allows us to prevent the need for recycling in the first place.


Well-Known Member

If they could build this and make it so the average joe could live there, or the rich joe or whatever, even the poor joe, then that would be very impressive. and if it was all made from top quality material (as if it was built for a king)............. that would be good..... Sorta like the pyramids, but better, nicer and usable for a long time.
It's a fucking money hole.

Keep investing in bullshit tho, Poland, that's how you'll (maybe, eventually) become a first world nation... *rollseyes*


Well-Known Member
ur funny with the anti poland campaign. are you even american? what do you give a shit if he bashes us? we dont care. they know our phone number when they need us. well be here.


Well-Known Member
Why would anyone want to live in an Arcology? I was on the Tower, the WTC, 8/11. All I could think about, at the time, was cool view. I wonder how long it will take to get down?

And if a homeowner's association is a grueling, can you imagine the hierarchy here? Something better to look forward to? Been there, I think.

Attention: We have a lock down on corridor 6. All residents must stay away from their doors. Field Charge
in 3....2....1...

Please don't litter. This 1st offense is 48 hours lock. Please don't litter, C-6. First Offense.



Well-Known Member
ur funny with the anti poland campaign. are you even american? what do you give a shit if he bashes us? we dont care. they know our phone number when they need us. well be here.
There's over 250,000 Polish migrants here in a country of 3.5 mill and our unemployment totals around 400,000.

They need to fuck off back to develop their own Commie-shithole country instead of being parasites here.

Without them our unemployment rate would be less than half what it is now and if Iv to listen to their pretend Russian accent much longer Ill fucking explode...

Even replace them with Asian, African, Indian, Pakistani least their hard working, respectful and not uneducated pretend-Russian money-grabbers.

EDIT: Not racist btw, they're white Europeans just like me :)
That little old man with the hat is pretty smart. I don't exactly agree with the comment he made about human brains, where a smart person would turn into a fascist if he lived in a country full of fascists. I think its more complicated than to be simply able to say what he said, though, considering that, he is right to a degree, that people will change and behave the same way that other people around them behave, but all I am saying is that this is not always true and yea, much more complex of a matter :)

Iv only watched the first 11 minutes of the video lol and am already enjoying it.