Something Doesn't Look Right...

I'm a new indoor grower... I've been trying to do things by the book, but something doesn't look right.

This clone is about 5 weeks old and has been showing signs of what I think is a nutrient deficiency for the last few weeks...

It starts with the larger, bottom leaves: they start turning dark purple near the leaf edges, until slowly the whole leaf has purplish spots.

I've been fertilizing with Foxfarm Grow Big (1 tsp/gallon every couple days), adding endo & echto mycorrhizae, and using hydrated lime (to increase low pH).

So, what do you think is up? :-?



Active Member
stop with lime, use plain water every other watering, your ph using that soil should be near 6. do you know what the ph runoff is?
Thanks Guyute-- I can't measure the pH runoff with my soil pH tester... but what I did measure in the soil, before correcting it with lime, was a pH of about 5-5.5. Now, it's at a steady 6.


Well-Known Member
sorry bud i know your a n0ob and all but those plants look like they are hurting big time, our friend is right about checking water runoff, thats the only was you can see whats going on in the root zone, as for the color of your plants, that is a classic molybdenum deficiencie, only to be seen in late flowering during flush, have you had prior successful experience using lime? i say this cus those plants look fairly young and to get a deficiencie of a micro nutrient like this it takes time of bad PH and lockout for this to occur. with that lime in your mix at disproptionate rate your soil mix may have been fuck from jump street, do yourself a favor and try to get a bag of fox farms ocean forest, it has mychorizal in it already and PH buffered with the nutes, just mix in perlite, less is more and its one less thing to mess up


Well-Known Member
i almost forget, i believe your bottle of grow big has all major and micro nutes, a wise hippy told me when i had deficiencies to flush the medium with 1/4 strenght nutrient solution, this does a few things, for one it delivers the missing nutrients and second it helps correct rootzone PH, when flushing always check runoff PH from start of flush to end, just pour 3 times as much water of the volume of the pot, also i will warn you now, micro nutrients are called micro nutes simply cus they are immoble and will take a while for you to see if what you have done is working, unlike macro nutes like N P K that are absorbed quickly you will see them work within a week. also forget about those soil PH testers they are garbage, get the GH test drop kits, very accurate and reliable and cheap as hell, you cant grow without atleast a decent PH tester
thanks morris -- sounds like some good advice. i'm kind of surprised about the molybdenum deficiency; cervantes growers guide says this deficiency is uncommon in cannabis. But I looked up some pics and your diagnosis looks spot on.