Something eating bud?

Found a bud that looks like it’s been eaten or something effected it? I did find a tiny caterpillar in that exact spot so it could’ve been that? Just want to know so I can further prevent it a little


Well-Known Member
Spray with bt. Bacillus Thuringiensis, I think that's how it's spelled. It's a bacteria, specific to caterpillars iirc. After they eat it it destroys their digestive system and they die. It's suitable for organic growing and a lot of guys use it as a preventive.
If the caterpillar you found wasn't the cause of the damage, it would have made it worse, and if there's one there are likely to be more, or at least more eggs.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, those are eggs of something. Can't tell what though, lol not an entomologist. I would get rid of them.


Well-Known Member
Some predatory insects would have a field day there! regardless bugs are shittin in your buds. the best thing to do next time around is prevent that before it can happen.
-eliminate trees above where the bud worms can suspend down from trees
- preventatively spray for worms, and every thing else during the veg cycle. also spray surrounding plants!
-be careful spraying for bugs cause you can be killing beneficial bugs as well- you only want to target the harmful bugs