Something fishy going on...


Well-Known Member
i just bought a fish, a betta, never had a fish before, he has a 1 gallon bowl with a tiki and some rocks.

any of you have fish? i think this guy is awesome :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Betas are pretty cool. I remember something about them blowing a bubble nest and the males tend to the young if they fall he puts them back. Crazy bastards


Well-Known Member
i bought 12 feeder goldfish 3 years ago. 4 died within the first week or so. i have the other 8 still and they are getting really big. they are outside in an old bathtub i converted into a fish pond. i am looking to get something A LOT bigger. i want to raise some koi now. :)


Well-Known Member
this poor guy was in a cup the size of my coffee cup. he was looking at me when i went in to buy the dog a new collar sooooooo here he is :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
put another one in there. a beta that is:fire: and enjoy the show, personally i think reptiles and fish are for people who just want to see shit fight.
turtles are great they destroy everything.

anybody ever have bugwars when they where kids? like catch a big ass wolf spider and a praying mantis and put them in a container and shake the shit out of em?
wasps vs spider. is a good one, big fish vs turtle is great so is crayfish and lot of other things.


Well-Known Member
I am breeding Blue Tilapia in my fish tanks in the house to have a steady supply of fresh fish and currently have 5 koi and 3 goldfish in my outdoor pond. I've had numerous ornamental bettas and tetras and mollies and what not but like the tilapia the best. The bettas are pretty cool though. I always got the Crowntails.


The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I have a few tanks only two set up right now.

African cichlids mostly but am in the process of setting up a new planted tank.

One of my females has had a mouth full of eggs for over a week now and should be spitting them any day now.
I don't have a positive ID on the male that knocked her up but it is a hybrid. In the african cichlid fish community hybrids are looked down upon by a lot of purists because they believe native species will be wiped out. Also because mouth-brooding fish rarely ever hybridize in the wild. On the other hand you can often make a better fish and so there are almost as many people for hybrids.

Anyway today I isolated her in her own 29 gallon where she can let the fry hatch in peace. I'm going to try and grow them out just for the experience and if they turn out good fish that's another plus.
I have a good relationship with the local fish store owner and I'm sure she would buy extra off me.

Will post pictures tomorrow. Lights are off now to reduce stress from the tank transplants


Well-Known Member
Been years since I did planted tanks. I'm thinking about doing it again after we move and I get a better grow setup.



Well-Known Member
no shit neo you raise puerto rican bluegill? good eatn right there.

i don't want my fish to fight, he's Fred the grow security fish :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Aquariums can have plants or not - but the term "planted aquarium" usually refers to tanks where plants are the primary focus and fish are the extras rather than the other way around. I experimented with DIY CO2 and other stuff back in the day - actually a lot of education that helps me understand out-of-water grows a little better now.

And then of course there's Takashi Amano:



Well-Known Member
They're actually a member of the Cichlid family and are from the Nile River. Still though real good eating. I successfully grew 5 in my pond this last summer and thoroughly enjoyed eating all my hard work .

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Post a pic of Fred when you get a chance

Bought my mom a betta a couple years ago and put a peace lily in it.
She named it Claude Monet after the painter.:lol:

Something like this. Makes a great gift


Well-Known Member
get another beta and let the war begin lol... dont fill up your bowl to much, betas jump out.. they live in a bunch of crazy habitats and puddles is one of em, so they jump from puddle to puddle.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
And then of course there's Takashi Amano:

View attachment 2460809
Nice, seen Nature's Chaos?
They're actually a member of the Cichlid family and are from the Nile River. Still though real good eating. I successfully grew 5 in my pond this last summer and thoroughly enjoyed eating all my hard work .
Thought they looked like cichlids.. How big is your pond? Above or in-ground?


Well-Known Member
Post a pic of Fred when you get a chance

Bought my mom a betta a couple years ago and put a peace lily in it.
She named it Claude Monet after the painter.:lol:

Something like this. Makes a great gift

That poor betta needs more water surface area than that! I hate those things! You can keep a plant like that, but the fish needs plenty of room at the top. Even worse, some people think they nibble the roots for food. Betta fish are omnivores but probably eat more meat (insects) in the wild.


Well-Known Member
I use to have a fish tank. I had 2 oscars and a silver arowana. The arowana was bad ass! The thing has teeth on it's toung and would jump out of the tank. The jumping out of the tank became not so cool when it landed on the floor. I started using a weight on the tank lid so it couldn't push it open, sure enough I forgot one day and it jumped out of the tank and died. They can breathe air by sucking in in the swim bladder but not all day.
"have been seen leaping more than 6 feet (almost 2 metres) from the water surface to pick off insects and birds from overhanging branches in South America, hence the nickname "water monkeys"".

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Aquariums can have plants or not - but the term "planted aquarium" usually refers to tanks where plants are the primary focus and fish are the extras rather than the other way around. I experimented with DIY CO2 and other stuff back in the day - actually a lot of education that helps me understand out-of-water grows a little better now.

And then of course there's Takashi Amano:

View attachment 2460809
That is an awesome aquarium. I wish I had the skill to start one like that.