Something for adult adhd?


Well-Known Member
Well I have similar issues. I am almost 51. Female. Take it you aren't living in Canada where medical attention is provided?? I am bored to death. Hate my job. Failed relationships. Failed marriage. Not a parent. Was a step parent to kids who I have never seen since the day I left. I guess what I am saying is I kind of get how you feel. You want to be something. Yet you don't know what. Now I don't seek to be in a relationship. Can't understand why you would want to be with someone that much older with 2 kids. I too am now trying the growing thing. I will probably fail. Tried breeding seahorses failed. Can't afford to do what I THINK I'd like to do. People fucking drive me nuts. I do have pets. Love them to death. There are meds for adult adhd. I am kind if reclusive because people annoy me in public. Do you sleep a lot. Sounds like you may be depressed. I take an antidepressant. However feel it's something else. Can't concentrate.


Active Member
Mate I have the same sort of issues...similar at least. I was just put on some medication for depression but a very mild dose as it is not severe depression. It is more like my mind works faster than others and I am always thinking about 'shit'...

Go see a counselor to talk about this shit dude...Just talking about shit makes shit feel better...

edit- Im in Australia so our helth system allows me to get medications for like 5 bucks with a health care card. I assume your in the US where health care is not provided and is expensive.


Well-Known Member
Mate I have the same sort of issues...similar at least. I was just put on some medication for depression but a very mild dose as it is not severe depression. It is more like my mind works faster than others and I am always thinking about 'shit'...

Go see a counselor to talk about this shit dude...Just talking about shit makes shit feel better...

edit- Im in Australia so our helth system allows me to get medications for like 5 bucks with a health care card. I assume your in the US where health care is not provided and is expensive.
Me too. Mild antidepressant. Now I don't get the meds covered as I am working and company I work for doesn't provide benefits. That's an issue in itself. Need a job that does provide these benefits.


Active Member
I started taking medication for depression. I got better slowly, then got worse. Moved to a new medication and got worse. I got shipped around like a bowling ball in the medical system untill they told my I am bipolar.
So I take lamictal to deal with that. Then I will take concerta 54mg to give me enough energy to move around in the day.

Keep trying ... there is something that might help. But it might take more then one, two, three, four tries.