something is wrong with my ladies. i need help.


Well-Known Member
anyone have any input? why does everyone have to post once in order to get people to post? is it zinc?


Active Member
Hmmm. I'm new to the game, haven't started my first grow yet. Read a lot but can't say I know what's wrong with these ladies... I've got my fingers crossed for you though!


Well-Known Member
Did you splash the leaves with nutes while watering, or maybe too many nutes will make the tips go yellow.
Kinda hard to tell from the blurry pics tho.


Active Member
I'm told flushing the medium though once every three or four weeks is essential to wash out any salts that have accumulated from over feeding of nutes, not sure if symptoms start at leaf tips but yellowing /wilting was the warning sign.

Doesn't zinc only need to be trace? Surely zinc is in your nutrient mix?

Apparently the biggest cock up can often be over-feeding, nutes don't need to be added on every water and ( I think) should be done once weekly.

Hope this helps and hope my sources are good!

A book called 'Cultivation Of Cannabis' had everything covering this, dont know if its available online at all.