Something People Ought to Know

Root tips absorb most nutes of the whole rhyzosphere. Overwatering is not good! roots need to look for water as this promotes growth vigor. Salt based ferts grow as well as bottled. Organics can run into problems too.
The three most important areas of growing are proper light, intensity wattage spectrum etc. good medium, that drains well. Good watering practices help! And airflow!
The easier to get to the plants the better. If hand watering, a schedule helps too. Proper care and storage of ph and ppm meters will help you sooner or later. And testing meters for accuracy every little while could save your crop o
Not that I'm necessarily disagreeing with you, but what's your explanation for this statement....roots need to look for water as this promotes growth vigor....... how do you explain dwc?
Not that I'm necessarily disagreeing with you, but what's your explanation for this statement....roots need to look for water as this promotes growth vigor....... how do you explain dwc?
That's why they grow faster in dwc. The growth tips never stop. But if growing in a soiless mix the roots will chase the water as pot dries. And lve found this gives the best reaction. Can't realy compare dwc or nutrient film systems to growing in a peat medium. But my point was about root tip absorbing more nutes and faster growth. Hope your having and excellent evening,!