something strange in my shower


Hello everyone,

This is my first DWC grow. I have grown in soil a few times but never used any hid lights just cfl's. The first grow actually had high quality bought seeds and got them growing pretty good, but i did not know enough about growing to come out with quality product it was fun though and i learned a ton. This was years ago so now im trying it again. I germed some bagseed and through 8 in some small bonsai pots i had in the yard just for fun. 5 out of the 8 were females so i felt great i just left them in the little pots and pretty much forgot about them didnt water or nute them or anything well bout 5 months later there they were. wasnt much to them nice colas and some side buds (albiet not dense at all but still got high and made some blender hash- that im pretty sure i messed up LOL) they were not very tall im sure due to the shallow pots. but i though hell if i can do this with NO effort think what i can do with some effort. so here comes my story up until the point im at now. so here we go i will be adding pics as i go for the most amount of help i can get.

grow type: DWC
Lights: 8 26w 6500K / 8 26w 2700K / 2 65w 2700k
grow space: spare bathroom shower stall
beans: good ol bagseed
nutes: dynagrow grow/bloom
training method: topping? LST? not sure might try both to see which one works any ideas here?

now first off i know everyone is going to say use separate rez for different strains but i plan on cloning the best one after they get going for a perpetual harvest if this is possible. not real sure how but have read alot of people harvest every two weeks or so this would be ideal for me. so one rez will have to do for a bit. as of right now its a 18g rubbermade tote from wallyworld i have 2 12 inch airstones and a dual port 40 air pump but from what i have seen the water really churns in others dwc but mine wasnt as much like that i can take video if i can upload it here if needed. this was ALOT of water in there also so im about to get a shorter container about 10 or so gallons is this enough for 6 plants?

so on with the show i havent yet germed any seeds still gathering equipment. the shower stall is going to have another cab up top of this one to veg the mothers and clones then dropped into the flower portion

so with no fan or water in the rez i had the lights on for a bit and had the cab all closed up and got temps of 93F with hum at 56%this is no good on the heat and this was just with 6 6500k bulbs which kinda scares me but i digress. good thing about the bathroom is i have ac and exhaust fans close to the shower. so im going to pull off the cover of the exhaust and hook up some flex duct to it dont know the specs on the fan but i hope it will be enough to draw all the hot air out. i keep the house pretty cool year round living in the south this is a must i dont like to sweat. so if need be i can flexiduct the air vent into the cab but might then get too cool im not sure yet. right now with nothing in it lights off and cab open the min temp got to 62f with 50% humidity.

ok enough chatting on with the pics.

feedback, questions please :-)



Well-Known Member
I'm gonna check this out as I'm going to be doing a dwc grow in about a month or so. Best of luck to you!

scotty bagmonster

Active Member
do you have any ''tools'' a.k.a. ph & ppm meters ? they help and pay for them self on your first run- if not then the second! and allow you to make everything adjusted to suit the plants needs and dont tell anyone but (lol) you can force feed them fuc#*%$ happy growing!


New Member
Good luck .. I started with a space just slightly bigger then that now I have two flower rooms size of bedrooms.. lol. Good luck brother.


thanx m8's :-) no i dont have any meters yet i do have the ph dipstick and pool tester we use for the pool but not sure if that will work the same its a 6 way test strip and dont measure below 7.0 lol i actually have a ppm and ph tester coming from amazon with the calibration solution all three was a steal at 26 bux or so prolly horrible quality but what ya gonna do.

i got the flexiduct set up for the exhaust not sure if it will be sufficient enough but we will see.
i actually was reading stinkbud's post and how he done the aeroponics etc might do that with the pvp fence post just make them 2 foot long or whatever and set them up over that rez .

question is it possible to set up a perpetual grow in this space being able to harvest every 2-3 weeks? im just gonna start cloning the best of the seeds i start and keep throwing them in the flower as i pull others but my question is how do i begin? i dont have alot of room as you all can see. maybe not fill the flower cab right away and stagger them every two weeks? but then id really cut down on the supply id have on hand and also using one rez there would be different nutes needed at different times correct?

anyways thanx for the encouragement guys i will keep you all posted :-)


ok got a test run going i added the flexi duct to my exhaust fan in the bathroom. and turned on the lights and closed up the cab apparently the exhaust fan sucks or should i say dont suck enough its a 70cfm broan fan/light/heat combo I cant replace the fan and all. is there another option like maybe adding a small fan inside the cab blowing up the flexiduct to help get out all the heat my temp meter says the max was 93.4 f with 62% hum and the lowest after the lights was off and ac cut way down for me to sleep good was 57F with 23% Hum lol
it must not be sealed up good. also the cab atm dont have an intake would this help there was also not a fan inside the cab i just mainly wanted to see if it would suck out the heat which it didnt
anyway im rambling you know how that goes once you get good and medicated lol heres some photos

pic 1 the inside of the duct in the cab
my homemade fan junction box


alrighty got water in the bucket bubbling away got cups and fans and light just waiting on the seeds to drop so heres where i am at now.

1> i went with a smaller box so it would be a smaller reservoir.
2> i made my own net cups with a soldering iron and hefty party cups. third pic is where i tried to get greedy and speedy and cut the holes all at once ....yeah they melted together LOL
3> Seeds in water germing 5 already dropped.
4> set up the reflective insulation on the top getting ready to build the mother/clone room course the vent will be repositions
5> second exhaust fan wallyword 5 bux clearance it really helps to suck the air out of the cab.
6> everything in and pumps running.
7-8> pics of the cab closed up and the light leaks which to me arent a problem i dont think much light will get inside during flowering what do yall think?
9-10> full body shots.
11> with the shower curtain back in place the way i wished it looked all covered up .
12> the last pic shows just how stealthy it is LOL cant even tell its a shower anymore huh LMAO.



thanx for the kind words i checked out your grow your doing great congrats ..keep it green and be sure to check back in here :-)


it has so far i left it buttoned up with no fan and it got to 101F i turned on the exhaust and it was soon down to 86 in an hour or so so it fluctuates a good bit but i think she will be ok :-)


Well-Known Member
Getting close on temps 85 below is what u want. Above that plant just eats more water than nutes.


yeah im working on temps still
got the computer fan out of the old comp will find a charger somewhere and some instructions with pictures LOL
.....also notice there is no intake would this help ??

heres the seeds in

another not much happeneing just starting day 1 12/12 FS

how long into 12/12 do you need to take clones? i seen a post about a guy taking them at harvest but that seems like a waste maybe 2/3 weeks in off the bottom branches cause they are going to live in this container till maturity the object is to make lots of smaller plants and set it up to harvest every 2 weeks

anyone got an idea how to handle this??



Active Member
an intake fan would greatly help since your going to have your cab closed most the time. brings in fresh air! And remember with the charger's most don't give out the 12v you need for full power. so will end up running much slower . So look to see if its 5v or 12v!

also if you find a way to harvest every two weeks off one cab let me know.... (as you say you want to harvest every 2 weeks)


from what i have read mario... this may not be true or possible but like my little box there 4 rows of 3 cups i fill the first three and take clones and fill the second row and so on spacing the age of the clones 2 weeks or so apart that way at harvest you harvest one row of 3 plants then fill their empty holes with new clones and so on :-) now this is what im seeing or reading correct me if im wrong. i plan to have a second story for the mother and clone station above the flowering cab.

a further note the age old question of seeds in rockwool and which way you face them. i tried a few different methods rounded side upp point down etcetc had a few doing handstands so what is the best way i never had a problem in soil with them flipping up first time using these things they are grodan macroplugs think they are for cuttings but should be the same thing just slitted on the side

about the fan. does it matter if i have a fan on the exhaust if the bathroom fan only pulls 70cfm? im saying is pushing the air into the duct that leads to the slow exhaust pointless?? ideas comments appreciated


Active Member
thats what I was saying lol, if you find a way let me know! because I'm more then sure thats impossible to harvest every two weeks with one cab! I use two and still wouldn't be able to get at that rate! I've never worked with the plugs but I've always planted mine pointed side down! ( just watch your plants as they just come up, and you'll notice what side of the seed they normally root from :) ) You mean having a higher cfm fan blowing through the duct then your bathroom fan?? if so.. thats what your normally looking for since the duct distance! instead of trying to pull the air through only with a 70cfm fan from far away


Mario, i went to lowes and ace hardware looking for an inline duct booster fan and neither place had them :-( i get online to check them out and man are they expensive i guess thats why everyone uses the computer fans now huh

i will have to get an order up for some soon right now with the door open it runs a nice 75 degrees with water temps in the rez at 70 this is not a problem as they are just starting but in a week or so im gonna have to lightproof it so need this heat issue fixed before then.

im trying to find an easy way i have a fan that is blowing up the duct not sure the cfm's of it but i thought that would work i did see a post on here with a guy made a high intake fan with a walmart fan and some ducting maybe i can do that and skip the exhaust fan and just suck the air right out the hole and into the bathroom this defeats the purpose of a ducting system but hell its an option.

maybe i should just try ducting the aircondition vent into the cab and let the exhaust try to keep up LOL. then heat would more than likely not be the issue it would be too cold then i could drop a 400hps in there then ....kidding of course scared of those ballasts and stuff.


Well-Known Member
Get an inline fan along with a carbon filter.. You'll be able to kill any smell when you start to flower and really keep those temperatures down! Looking good though man.