something strange in my shower


Active Member
you can always find the inline fans on ebay or amazon for around 30$ ! go for pretty cheap if you want the Highest possible CFM ( 6" 240 cfm, 8" 400CFM! ) but PC fans are still much cheaper! ...

Also I like the idea for ducting into your intake with the air conditioner!! Might have to watch the night temps if it gets a little cold! most at the lowest go 66F. and with lights on during the day. would be a very nice temperature!

Also check out a few other peoples cabs :) get yourself more of a idea on things!


ive hunted for idea many places i was going to do the hamiltion fan thing i seen on here where they had a 6inch duct infront of the fan and it was blowing into the cab i was going to use that for suckin out went to wallyworld course they didnt have a fan like that lol but did spot some 55w cfls in 2700k for 12 bux a piece dang might as well buy the 68w from lowes for $16 lol first gotta deal with heat LOL
neways im working on it lol

update:** either their all males or the gods have smiled upon me all but 2 germed some a little weird though lol
having to keep it partly open for temps :-( still


Active Member
oh as a side note giant turkey pans work great over the vanity light's! will use your lights more efficiently and get more light downwards! ( 1 should do it, if not 2 then chop in half for a good fit and reflective tape them together!)
do you have a intake fan to bring in fresh air? so its not just circulating the hot air around when its closed? temps wont really drop if theirs no source of "fresh" air. just haven't seen pics


well i made a intake out of some cardboard tubes like paper towel tubes you know made an s shape for a light trap it worked pretty good may need to add another the problem im having is the bak and side walls are the showerstall so i cant really put anything through them so my intake is through the door this isnt really a problem it probably get hit by the ac air better then if i had it on the back . i als taped the outtake duct to the front of the fan cause i noticed there was air being blow out and not straight up the duct i think this has helped ive seen temps now get to about 86 F and as low as about 77 but dont stay consistent enough it drops good when the AC comes on but i would like it to be about 80 all the time seen another thread here with a window fan with two fans in it but i dont know how i would light proof that i need to get the second story clone/mom room ready but now i have to reposition the exhaust thats going to be tough unless i run the duct through the veg chamber to exhaust flowering chamber i dunno what do yall think?

also thinking would the little fan work better if it wasnt in the duct i mean i can vent into the bathroom the smell isnt really an issue yet as of wife and i get no visitors really lol. would it exhaust better that way ?? but i forsee the room getting warm i guess i could still leave the bathroom exhaust on but i dunno

as an update i will take some photos tomorrow cause they are sleeping i got 4 or 5 really good ones going the rest not real happy with though started some more seeds to fill the 2 empty cups but might start some more and cull the ones i dont like. this first run is 12/12 FS and when i find a good one its going in as the mom and the 12/12 will finish out but i will have clones ready to fill 1 row and two weeks later have them ready for the second row and so on so by the time the entire thing is full the first row should be ready to pull then i fill that with more clones and start keep going.

you talked about not being able to perpetually harvest n a cab like this why do you think it isnt possible??

thanx for checking in with me again mario :-)


well since i kind of said everything the last post i will just post some pics and explain a few things

heres the strongest of the bunch can see some ph problems as i dont have a meter just some pool drops that dont register below 6 i think lol gotta get a meter soon including a ppm meter

heres my ghetto rigged light trap passive intake gonna get another one as there is still some signs of suction when the exhaust cuts on BTW should you see the room shrink when exhaust cuts on or should it be pressurized or whatever with the intake?

no light leaks from the intake trap the door is another story LOL

heres a high rez shot of what i think is ph problems i did drop 1/4 tsp of dynagrow grow in a spray bottle but these yellowing was already evident and they have only been sprayed twice so far so i dont thing thats the problem. but i dont know.

heres my updated exhaust i wrapped the front of the fan to make sure all the air went up the duct. i also noticed when the exhaust is on if i cut the fan off it is strong enough to move the fans blades albiet not fast but constant so thats a good thing.

stick around we are going to finish this thing one way or another LOL.



New Member
When I clicked this thread I was hoping for something different.... not sure what, but the title got my mind thinking.


ok s i broke down and went local for a pc fan its a 120 mm but only 70 or so cfm's so im thinking it should be enough heres my pics of the wiring job i incorporated the 4 pin connectors so i would have a quick connect if needed 20121010_164241.jpg

this is the first charger i tried didnt work so had to go with another one with more milliamps so i went for a 1000ma or 1A so check for that if your fan dont move :-)

the 4 pin and the specs on the fan

wired and ready to blow :-)

these are updates on the seedlings the strongest of them notice some yellowing i think thats from ph cause i dont have a meter but getting one soon so let me know what you all think

up next will be putting the fan in and hoping that will fix my heat issues.



Active Member
You should notice the computer fans will have a much higher CFM then the normal "osculation" fans and compact! and how their designed helps for ducting. fits right over the fan perfectly! then just tape or the metal things for the ducts that just slip over and tighten with a screw driver


the fan helped temps alot i took the duct off the cab just exhausting into the bathroom the lights are off at night and there is no windows so light leaks is not much of a problem i still think i need more intake as today i propped open some of the door and temps got as high as 83 low as 74 which was when the lights just came on i have a 80mm pc fan im going to use for some forced air intake i figure exhaust twice as much as pulling in is a good ratio?? im not sure though cause now i still get the sides sucking in so i figure i need more of an intake what do you all think?

anyway the second and third sets of leaves arent showing any burn Yet so hopefully its all good started on a gallon of grow treated RO water right now as they arent drinking alot i have been spraying the rockwool to feed them alittle iv got some more seeds popped and ready to go think i like about 1 or 2 that havent popped yet so getting a good stagger now heres a few shots of where I am today



here we are update time :-)

i added a intake fan and now temps are great highs in upper 70's

you can see the roots kicking in and a few good looking hopefully ladies :-) got more germing to fill the one empty cup

look at the self topped plant i think the cotyl leaves messed it up so its a little weird but still got roots showing out the bottom and showing new growth

rez temps stay about 70 but now im feeling a lil slickness on the inside of the walls ive only done 1/4 strength half gallon RO water in the rez still no pH meter but going ahead anyway i got the phenol drops and its yellow so thats around 6 i think no chart to compare below 7 with the kit i got

also anyone got a easy idea on lightproofing? the intake/exhaust?
neways here goes the pics



ok next updates although i dont see anyone else posting in here kinda feel like im talking to myself except for the few whom have posted here but whatevz

ok so everything was going great then i noticed my ph was high one day i just use a turkey injector syringe full with 5 drops of phenol red normally its a yellow which i believe is 6 or below depending on darkness of color. my RO nuted water is this color yellow. but when it get too high of ph its red almost dark pink thats too high thats id say around the upper scale of 7-8 ph this is no good. so then i noticed some slim build up on the sides of the rez of course ALGEA or brown slime or whatever. so i pull them and clean everything one airstone broke in half as soon as i touched it :-( but i still use it so i got all the equip clean got ro water bubbling with light nutes about 3 tsp in 5 gallons of water. this is dynagrow grow nutes.

i cleaned the roots in the tub with some luke warm water just dunking them up and down trying to get some algea off them then put them back in the system.

i read about heis's tea and so i went searching. i was looking for pondzyme but i couldnt find it at this pet store i was at so i found another kind the lady "let" me have one of the packages the bottle was 28 bucks and i wasnt sure what it would do. i wish i woulda got the name of it and all but i will have to check back with her to do that maybe in an update or something. neways i put the package in the rez overnight got up theres bubbles everywhere. is this normal? also my ph is in the red/pink area this is too high im pretty sure

im about to drag out some freakin hempybuckets with soil in it but i want to get this down i know the meters are a must so lets stray from that im getting them just low on funds lets use what we got :-)

neways heres the updates plants are still looking good the do seem small i guess but from seed and 12/12 what do you expect. i got a few good looking ones and a few that not so and some seedlings filling in as some die off or dont germ. the cab is full and already partially really just looking to get a few good mothers then clone out the entire cab while vegging the mothers and cloning them.seeds take a long time in my opinion.

neways moved my temp gauge around throughout the cab temps are well under control with the pc fans. BTW any word on stacking fans for bigger cfm? like put two 70cfms' on top of each other to get 140cfm's? that way you can pull through a scrubber im thinking ahead for the cabinet im going to build

also while at the pet store i snapped a pic of a cayman !!!!!! why have this as a pet LOL it was right above a cage with a 12 foot albino boa lol sorry no pic of that.



well seems like everyone kinda lost interest in my post here so i stopped updating well i just wanted to show everyone where i was at now.

6 26 w cfl's
DWC 12 hole DIY
6 filled and blooming
6 with shotty clones trying to root under 12/12

to start with im not sure if its beneficial to root clones under 12/12 and have them go right into flower since they need to veg but i done it anyways cause i dont have a clone/mom room yet working on that in a few weeks pgrading out of the shower to a all in one cab i will have some pics of the finished product of that soon.

anyways here are the ladies. one is definitely sativa LOL and also had a nice one whose cola hairs on top turned a nice pink the wife loved that one hope her clone roots would like to hand on to it for the future

anyone know much about revegging



Active Member
looking good, how is your airstone going?
im just wondering why your leaves are always curled up, could it be that the airstone isnt providing enough air?
just a thought, im still learning myself as well :)


Active Member
Sorry dude but they are the sorriest bunch plants I have seen in a long time. I ain't gonna read the whole thread, judging by the outcome I ain't missed much. Sorry again mate but back to hortischool for you.


thanx for your kind words MrMeanGreen i guess thats why they dont call you MrNiceGreen. maybe you could provide me with some information to help make it better.

gigathnx: The airstone is ok one is whole and the other has broken but it still puts out a good many bubbles. also the one pic that is really curled is im sure a pure sativa it got tall and slow right out of the gate lol.


Active Member
regardless if its a sativa indica or ruderalis the leafs shouldnt be curled over like that
it could be either not enough air in the water, humidity too high or your nute solution is too strong?


Well-Known Member
The curling should be a nutrient deficiency, or possibly a PH problem. Same with the yellowing on your fan leaves.


ihave to agree with both of you :-) the nute program was not dialed in at all im only using now tap and dynagrow bloom/grow there are times when my ppm is almost 900 the ph is always stable hardly ever have to change it after initial set at 5.8 i had some issues before i got the meters but quickly righted those so it is im sure a permanent problem with that plant lol. im guessing too much nutes next rez change will be just water for a while. also considering i havent changed my rez in weeks might be an issue but no algae.

i think i will try the whole maxibloom K.I.S.S thing that i have seen somewhere.

homebrewer was nice enough to remind me that he was the man and tell me im doing it all wrong LOL. with his advice hopefully things will turn up.