Something to ponder on mother plants


Well-Known Member
yeah i went back and read ur post bout it! + rep 2 u!! This site is kick ass
agreed, it has become a ritual for me on the weekends to wait for lights to come on and do the gardening and sit and wake and bake and read threads and learn even more from others experiences. Its also hilarious reading how people get all upset over replies


Well-Known Member
Thanks man that is the exact post I read that described it in detail. Awesome Idea, I have already identified My next two White Widow moms from the batch of clones.
That article gives me new excitement into growing, if im not already overstimulated enough, into day six in my first bloom! check out my journal if you guys get a chance!


Well-Known Member
y not just put them n bigger pots? or fim or top them nstead of starving her or tacking away light
Thanks SS, gonna go with sugarless and super2200 advice. gonna put mothers in smaller, or at least square pots and bonsai mother plant method them. Still give them good light, nutes, etc. but gonna root prune em every month or two, everyone who's even thinking of mother plantings gotta check out that site!
I have two mother plants, (two different kinds of indica,) and they're in their fourth week of veg from clones. They're sitting in a veg closet/mother plant closet right now. the other plants that started with the mother's are sitting in a bloom room right now, max capacity. I want to keep the mother plants for clones, but if i veg them too much longer ill run into root bound problems, I've been just feeding them ph6.5 water. I guess my question is can you stunt or slow their growth, (by changing light cycle, depriving them, etc,) without hurting them or the overall yield? or is this a dumb thing to do? any insight is appreciated, I know this is a dumb problem to have, too much green to play with!

the best thing to do is train trim and prune. no need to worry about the plant becoming root bound or too big. you just gotta cut clones from the tops regularly in a way that will create more tops. you also need to prune the roots. you do this by cutting off a certain amount from the bottom and sides and refilling that area with soil, this way the roots can grow back in, and grab fresh nutrients from the soil. before you know it you will have a compact mother that has a shit load of tops and will give you alot of clones if taken care of properly. I know it sounds like alot of work, but its not. i have a large mother in a small container that i root prune maybee once every month or every other month and take a constant supply of clones from. she is less than 12" tall and has like 40 nodes at least. by pruning and trimming the plant is constantly growing and healthy, it never gets rootbound or slows down and always produces more and more tops if you cut your clones from the right areas. also, it will eventually look more like a bonsai tree than a marijuana plant, which is good for stealth, and hey lets face it. who doesnt want a cannabis bonsai mother.