Sometimes I don't know if I want it to be legal


Quite a few years back, about 10, a friend and I made a trip up to Vancouver. While up there, we stop into one of the cannabis cafes. And we smoked out, there in the glare of the florescent lights, but it didn't feel right. I guess after 30 some years of hiding while I smoke, it's hard to be comfortable doing it in public. Maybe if with some practice it might feel more comfortable. Maybe I like the thrill of doing something rebellious. I've always been a bit of a even since I was little. The government would find some way to make it suck, I'm sure.:joint:


Well-Known Member
There will definitely be some "downsides" to legalization. The media and the government romanticize cannabis with their endless campaign to eradicate it. Taking the thrill factor out and the affects it would have on use are rarely discussed when legalization comes up. I believe that overall use may spike for a little bit, but will start to drop off strong because we will learn who the people who really like to smoke cannabis are, and who are just doing it to be "cool." When you make something legal it just isn't quite the same. I know that it wont change my relationship with the plant though. I am already very comfortable about being open with my use. Being in public doesn't bother me at all, because I know I am posing no threat to anyone and therefore shouldn't be bothered. I'm sure not living in the US also helps put me at ease.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Anytime someone wants to keep it illegal its always for selfish reasons. i.e. "I felt uncomfortable smoking...."

When it becomes legal, I think you'll get over it pretty quick.


There will definitely be some "downsides" to legalization. The media and the government romanticize cannabis with their endless campaign to eradicate it. Taking the thrill factor out and the affects it would have on use are rarely discussed when legalization comes up. I believe that overall use may spike for a little bit, but will start to drop off strong because we will learn who the people who really like to smoke cannabis are, and who are just doing it to be "cool." When you make something legal it just isn't quite the same. I know that it wont change my relationship with the plant though. I am already very comfortable about being open with my use. Being in public doesn't bother me at all, because I know I am posing no threat to anyone and therefore shouldn't be bothered. I'm sure not living in the US also helps put me at ease.
Do you feel free to say where you live?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I didn't think of it like that. Thanks.
I hope I didn't come off as a dick. It's just that the people who typically fight to keep it legal are right wing Christians(I'm generalizing, but I hope everyone understands what I mean) and people who have a profit motive:DEA, drug dealers, big pharm, and alcohol.

Smoking legal weed didn't make you uncomfortable, living in a society for years that prohibits and creates shame around marijuana use has made you uncomfortable to be open about marijuana. I hope that you and I one day will not have to deal with the stigma attached to marijuana use.:peace:


Already legal for me. Join the club or thou shalt be deemed nuke-fodder.

But wtf do I know, I'm BAKED.


Well-Known Member
I get what the OP is saying...sort of ...

I was stoned with some Friends on Tuesday and my wife made the comment that she was perfectly dressed to be stoned (not sure what she meant but whatever she was stoned) one of our friends replied, 'Not really, barefoot and naked are the ONLY way to be stoned." I had to agree with her. I'm used to low to no light, relaxed 'home' atmosphere, and my music, my TV, my couch, and above all my house.

I have gotten high other places but if it's not a place that I feel I have some stake of ownership in such as my house or VERY close friends house (so close they don't mind if I go OCD and clean) then I can't relax enough to enjoy the high. I also find clothes stupidly restricting and really prefer to be naked really close. So being high brings out the OCD, possessive, nudist in me, maybe not the best traits but with the right crowd it can be a LOT of fun.

I don't think I'd be willing to get high at a 'Cannabis Club' with a 'tailored' decor for stoners because every one has a different concept of 'utopia' when stoned. I'd hate smoking with the younger kids and being subjected to hip hop when I really want to hear classic rock stoner songs like One Toke over the Line and The Joker.


Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
"Sometimes I don't know if I want it to be legal"

This is a debate I've had with myself over the years....


Well-Known Member
I want it to be 100% legal. I never sell; so I have no profit motive. My habits wont change much other than who I am buying from and paranoia when transporting back to my home. I will still smoke mostly at my home and close friends homes.

What I would do to come home on a friday, run to the store, pick up some buds, smoke a bowl and relax, and start my weekend right.


Well-Known Member
I think within 50 years, it will reach some sort of legalization throughout all 50 states... it will take a long time, a lot of fighting, and changing alot of good ole stubborn politics... i think it will probably be much like alcohol and tobacco, age limit of probably 21 or 18 and a special tax. I mean, we've made a good bit of progress (actually probably more than ever) in the past 10 years as far as medical marijuana and all that jazz goes...

can you imagine how cloudy it will be on legalization day?..... :D


Well-Known Member
Do you think we are close to legalization?

honestly, were closer then we were 10 years ago, but we have a very very very long way to go. most people dont realize what we have to do to get marijuana legalized. the 60's-70's ara had the right idea, but we fell off. if we would of pressed the government like they did, and we would of kept up the fight, then we would of been smoking legal bud by now. but i feel like people got lazy, had better things to do, and lost the will to fight. especially my genoration. anybody that was born from 1975-1990 pretty much killed the movement honestly. if we really want marijuana to be legalized, we have to stop taking things lying down and do somthing about it. look at the civil rights movement, they didnt stop and they achieved their goal. we need to mobilize.


Well-Known Member
I fall right at the end of your "lazy generation" number and recognize that the people around me want much larger things then they are willing to act for. I try to do my best to inspire the people around me to get active, to be heard, and to fight the green fight. The day the war on drugs is terminated will be the day the war on drugs is won. Until then we must fight with our words, with our will power, and most importantly with our minds. One day the legalization movement will no longer be necessary. That glorious day my friends will be the day that the curtain of ignorance is lifted and the legalization and regulation of not just cannabis but all drugs occurs. "It goes beyond the bounds of reason to attempt to control a man's appetite through legislation," Abraham Lincoln. Why can't our politicians be as level headed these days.


Well-Known Member
So you dont want weed to be legal because you didin't feel the thril of it being legal, that is one of the stupidest
thing ive ever herd... ever. I didin't even know people smoked weed because they like the thril of it cuz its illegal, I
always thought people smoked weed for the high and to relax...
stupid and useless thread I think, especially since weed isin't even gonna be legal for years and years to come.


So you dont want weed to be legal because you didin't feel the thril of it being legal, that is one of the stupidest
thing ive ever herd... ever. I didin't even know people smoked weed because they like the thril of it cuz its illegal, I
always thought people smoked weed for the high and to relax...
stupid and useless thread I think, especially since weed isin't even gonna be legal for years and years to come.
What I said was "Sometimes I don't know if I want it to be legal."

I smoke weed because I enjoy it. There are many reasons I smoke weed. I enjoy the way it makes me feel. I enjoy the social aspect. And possibly I enjoy it because in my own little way when I smoke I'm sticking it to the man.

But what I don't enjoy is the paranoid feelings I get for growing a couple of little plants.