Songs that say it best


Well-Known Member
Ever hear someone say something so on target about life? Post your song here, you dont have to explain anything just credit the artist and song.

[Z-Ro] - World Wide
Is it reality or just a fable
The most powerful lyricists in the world was on a low budget label
Even if I don't clear me in I just want to be living well
Not saying that heaven is promised to me but I don't want to believe in hell
Feeling on coming also cause problems worry me
If it ain't the stress somebody's always trying to bury me
So thinking I'm undercovers and the dope they try to deal me
Jealousy and envy make my niggas want to kill me
Everybody want to pick up a gun and bust thinking artillery fin to be
drilling me nigga
But I' sick of this pistol play bumping ain't no more killng me nigga
Cause I'm a soldier, trying to keep his mind at ease
And if I squeeze then we all bleed