Active Member
These Sonoffs are amazing for the price once you reflash them with better firmware. I've got my tents all automated now with temp monitoring and inlet vents hooked to NodeMCU's (pretty much Sonoffs without the relays) with a servo that auto close at lights off and re-open at lights on to keep the temps under control during these cold months. The "brains" of the system is Home Assistant that I have to automate a few things around the house so I just added the Sonoffs as MQTT switches which gives you control over pretty much any timer scheme could want. With everything tied into Home Assistant you could do temperature based conditions or even sunrise/sunset triggers as it tracks all of that for you and keeps logs of everything.
To flash the Sonoffs to new firmware you don't even need to take them apart I did 8 Sonoff basics the other day in about 10 minutes all over wifi and they no longer need an external server everything is handled on my private network all through my web browser. If you have a spare tablet laying around I've seen people wall mount them with a charger and you have a simple control panel you can mount right in the grow room.
Broken down to get a setup like this you would need:
1x Raspberry Pi or a computer you keep running 24x7 to run HomeAssistant.io
Any # of Sonoffs to monitor/switch power.
Once this flower run is over and I'm able to get into the wiring of the tent I'll be hooking all the lights and fans up to the Sonoffs for control as well. Unfortunately, I got into the Sonoff game a bit late so I had all my wiring tucked away and with the plants taking up every inch it will be easier to get in there once I've harvested in a few weeks.

To flash the Sonoffs to new firmware you don't even need to take them apart I did 8 Sonoff basics the other day in about 10 minutes all over wifi and they no longer need an external server everything is handled on my private network all through my web browser. If you have a spare tablet laying around I've seen people wall mount them with a charger and you have a simple control panel you can mount right in the grow room.
Broken down to get a setup like this you would need:
1x Raspberry Pi or a computer you keep running 24x7 to run HomeAssistant.io
Any # of Sonoffs to monitor/switch power.
Once this flower run is over and I'm able to get into the wiring of the tent I'll be hooking all the lights and fans up to the Sonoffs for control as well. Unfortunately, I got into the Sonoff game a bit late so I had all my wiring tucked away and with the plants taking up every inch it will be easier to get in there once I've harvested in a few weeks.