I had some Dracarys plants in my 2x4 cabinet get absolutely out of control. Giant fan leaves, crazy foliage, and bud sites everywhere basically woven together. It took me 3 times, probably an hour each time, to trim them back to an acceptable level. I think they are okay now, they are in week 6 of flower. But the first 5, it's like we were having a boxing match

I'd cut about 25% of the leaves off each plant, and she'd grow back even more.
I went to the hardware store and grabbed a few tall tomato cages. My plants are in sips on wheels, so I rolled them out. Took a soft rope, and wrapped it around the hole plant, about 3/4 of the way up. Cinched the rope tight enough to get them smaller than the bottom of the tomatoes cage, then I gently worked the plant through the cage. Took the rope off, and started attaching stems. I took another piece of rope, and tied it across the top of the cage, for attachment points for hanging colas in the middle. After I got everything spread out and attached, I looked from the side all the way around, and cleared enough leaves for proper airflow. They seem happy. I also have a lot of air movement in that cabinet.