sooo funny cop overdoses on weed.


Well-Known Member
its weird how he didnt even sound high on the phone. Like when im super baked I talk very slow and say weird things. Dumb cop cant take a few brownies. Na lol it might have been laced with something like acid so u never know.


Well-Known Member
He did loose his job over this but no charges were filed. Should have been hit with some charges in my book. Selective prosecution.

I think it's a shame even a cop these days is still completely uninformed and doesn't know nobody has EVER died from a mj overdose, not possible nor did he have a clue how strong it could be or what the effects were he could expect or anything.

You can tell that at least the 911 operator knew it couldn't be fatal.

Idiot :)


Well-Known Member
thats the police for you.
one rule for them and 1 for us

I read that story. The fuckin' lowlife was bustin' folks, and keeping the dope. He admitted to baking it into brownies that he and his wife ate. Fucking prick SHOULD have died. I can respect a cop, but not a bad cop. (and I've yet to find a good one)

And he didn't "lose" his job, he was allowed to retire, with NO CHARGES FILED!!!! There is a politician up in arms over it, tho..............

Here is a link to another actual newscast covering the story:

Even the anchors couldn't keep a straight face. If there is a just God, that cop and his wife are gonna be the butt end of jokes for YEARS!!! He won't be able to show his face in his town without ridicule.