sooo this is what i made.. good or bad?


Well-Known Member
So basically i purged scraped threw on a slick pad and vacced it randomly to the best of my ability with this crappy gauge and lack of temp gun :/ ... once no heat spread well and then added heat drew a few more times then collected it up, it was touchable, and continued vaccing it. i did this until it barely expanded and ramped the heat to medium a few pulls before stopping.. It was warm inside the chamber and the oil itself but by no means hot. Currently it's in smokeable by my accounts regardless of if it's purged enough which if also like to know, haven't tried to light any on fire yet to check. It is, well, hard as a rock.120 g give or take lost my paper and the rock is 12.7 so yield was ok could have been better if it wasn't such a sketchy operation lol but I'm happy for a first real attempt. I have a feeling my solution to changing the consistency here has something to do with heat but i don't want to search for an hour id rather throw my pic up and get some feedback.... thanks!!


Well-Known Member
So basically I've created shatter?! It looks purged then doing that is for ease of use/to make it thinner and manageable? What would you choose to use to heat it and can i do it on the slick pad so as to not lose any? Sorry just want to get it right! Thanks


Active Member
just raise the temp IDK why everyone is all about low temps. I make shatter with BOILING hot water. shits hard as a rock every time.


Well-Known Member
the reason it's hard is because the "wet" compounds were lost.
thc cbd etc have a melting point nearly 100° over room temp. remove the lighter compounds and you have hard shatter

why everyone is about low heat is because gooey jelly like hash is filled with flavorful low weight compounds and they are retained with it..


Active Member
the reason it's hard is because the "wet" compounds were lost.
thc cbd etc have a melting point nearly 100° over room temp. remove the lighter compounds and you have hard shatter

why everyone is about low heat is because gooey jelly like hash is filled with flavorful low weight compounds and they are retained with it..

well rock hard shatter sells better than gooey sap


Well-Known Member
Idk why shatter sells better i prefer the sappy bronze ish gold oil personally... so any hope i get back to that as i know i didn't raise the temp too high couldn't have been over 100 i don't think anyway. Is the only way besides over doing it with boiling water using an electric hot plate? I hbu have one but i can obviously get one if i have to


Well-Known Member
Ok! Borrowed a hot plate, going to borrow a laser temp gun from Radiocrap. Going to let get all translucent and bubble free at about 125 degrees??? That is the plan that will commence in about an hour or two please someone let me know if i should make any changes! Thanks


Well-Known Member
Prefer a touchable sap that will stick to you if you touch it too hard or too long.. Not runny kind of hold shape but sticks to a glass dabber well, but if that's a bad preference I'm open to suggestion i also understand that may not be possible anyway, my main goal is fully purged and safely usable


Well-Known Member
cool, try and spread it thin. heat to a fairly low temp or it will wax. you just want to make it a liquid. when you take it out and it cools it should be like hard taffy candy, the goo aspect will depend on remaining terpenes, the fats will keep it taffy for the most part

that made it sound like waxing happens at high temps, I just mean. holding at high temps will wax, you want to make it fluid and bring it back to room temp. waxing is a complicated process, and im not gonna pretend thermodynamics are my strong suit. but it happens around the melting point, holding and slowly raising temps will wax as the melting point rises.
anyway now im just rambling I think
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Well-Known Member
That's honey oil as i remember it ten years ago before all these textural differences.. how did you treat it after blasting? If sources are correct I've heard some strains have a tendency to take one form or the other easier regardless.