

...for the repost but this was the only way to get you'r guy's attention... here are some pic's.. what do you guy's think?? trash or leave it??? if there is something that i can do new soil or other methods please tell... if new soil is needed because i have been growing it outside, how do i replace the soil???

mind you at the top it has been cut by my brother just trying to make it to branch out to make it shorter and provide more bud... but was it a mistake to cut?? this is why i am asking... because before the cut OMG the plant was looking so pertty and i ment to spell pretty PERTTY lol...



Active Member
keep it, try giving it som aid, you wouldnt just throw your kid in the trash if he got the flue, so why trash your second(or only) wife;)


what kind of aid, any suggestion's? to reply to you'r question yes i would throw away my wife to save a helpless plant from a newbie like me.. that's why i am here hope'n some vet's can straighten me up on stuff like this...


Active Member
have to say i really dont know, but, it (as ive read around) would help to flush if you think its a nute burn, and if it ls lack of nutes, then add some (i dont know if you have nuted?) if thats not it, then overwatering may be one thing(?) or if you went out and found your soil thats probably the problem...

it may not be any help but hey i tried.. may wanna ask one of the experiensed huys, or post an sos in the chat maybe.. dunno and good luck