sour diesal grow sick plants?


Well-Known Member
Hey can one of you experts take a look at the pics and tell me if I should worry? My plants are 2 months old tomorrow and I give each one about half a gallon of water when needed and mix in peters 20-20-20 every 8-14 days the plant is growing good alot of new growth but my big fan leaves coming off the main stalk are dieing and now my little leaves are starting to just the middle big leaves and the the start of the small leaves on the bottom I thought not enough sun but ?

any ideas fixes Thanks



Active Member
You've got nothing to worry about, my plants always do the same outdoor when i feed them with fertilizer. Nothing to worry about at all, great looking plants by the way.


Well-Known Member
this is one of my better nyc diesel plants and its about a month older than yours. nutes are definatly necessary but I just dont overdo them. I have found with the second plot I have they are fertilized more often and close to half the size.


Well-Known Member
Wow those are NICE dude!My plants only get about 4-5 hours of direct sunlight they get the late morning sun till about 1:30 pm mine are the op I fert mine and they take off growing 3-4 in in 2 days then slow go till firts again I am happy over 3 ft tall in 2 months from a 5" female clones. I just dont want to loose em still look ok?
