Sour Diesel. Better to harvest sooner, or later ?


Well-Known Member
As the title says. I do not have anything other than a magnifying glass to view the trichomes, and it's not very powerful. So I cant really tell anything by looking at them. Other than they are there. lol When I first started doing this about everything I read said in this situation, to go by the percantage of red hairs. 50 to 75 percent, and it's ready. That's pretty much what I have always done. It's always just been bag seed. Now I have this, and want to get it as close to perfect as I can. So anyone that knows is it better to go with closer to 50 or more toward the 75 percent range ? It's right at 50 now. Is there a better way to tell without a photographers loop ? Also, where can you get one of those ?


Well-Known Member
No no no. Go by the trichomes. If they are starting to amber your plant is at it's PEAK potency. Some prefer mostly amber for that couch-lock, insane munchies high. It's really up to you


Well-Known Member
Negative on the couch lock. I have narcolepsy, and sleep apnea. I'd be out like a light. lol So where can I get a loop or something to see them better ? This magnifying glass is so weak, you cant really tell if they're still clear or anything.


Well-Known Member
Ok, should they be turning amber, or milky looking ? I read on another post on here, if they were turning amber those are past their peak. To look for most of them to be milky, or cloudy looking. Then someone else said, to wait til just a few are turning amber.


Misguided Angel
You can find USB scopes at lots of electronics stores. Going by your hairs is not a very good way to judge ripeness. Are your pistils receded? Calyxes should look swollen. Get yourself a scope and when the time is right you will know based on that and the other signs I listed.


bud bootlegger
post some pix.
but ime, it's always better to let them go longer.. the high will be much better.. even if you harvest early or late, you're never going to get a sativa plant to give you a couch lock effect, nor will you get an indica to give you a soaring, clear headed up type of high.
if you want an up high, grow a sativa and harvest when ready, which sour diesel is more sativa dom than indica, and if you want a couch lock stone, grow an indica and harvest when ready.. easy peesy, japanesy.. :D


Misguided Angel
post some pix.
but ime, it's always better to let them go longer.. the high will be much better.. even if you harvest early or late, you're never going to get a sativa plant to give you a couch lock effect, nor will you get an indica to give you a soaring, clear headed up type of high.
if you want an up high, grow a sativa and harvest when ready, which sour diesel is more sativa dom than indica, and if you want a couch lock stone, grow an indica and harvest when ready.. easy peesy, japanesy.. :D
Truth! All this couch lock bs regarding trichomes is just that... BS. Well stated my friend.


Well-Known Member
Damn, Even I can probably afford $1.38. lol Had no idea they were that cheap. Thanks. I can post some pics, but the only camera I have is on my phone, and it doesn't do close ups very well at all. The calyxes are swollen, and it's looking really good. IMO, it probably needs a little longer though. I'm going to get a better magnifyer. So I know for sure. I REALLY need to get some updated literature. All my learning(other than experience, and on here) is from Mel Franks Insiders Guide. Which is from the 80's. In there it says time of harvest, even down to the time of day, can affect the type of buzz. All the later stuff I've seen, in HT, and on here says thats all about whether it's Sativa or Indica. So I get kinda confused on what to believe. As do a lot of people I'm sure. Too much conflicting information, from at least somewhat reliable sources, if you know what I mean. Any suggestions on good books, that are a bit newer, with some updated studies ? I know a lot more have been done since 1988. lol That book gave me a good start, and I learned a lot from it, but I think some of the info must be outdated. I remembered reading somewhere that some strains seemed to be better done a little early, and some a little later. Which was the main reason for this thread. Is that also misinformation, and you should always go by the trichs ?

Also, thank you everyone for your expertise.


Misguided Angel
There is tons of information out there, some is good, some is extremely out dated. I like to do what works for me, not what somebody read in a book from the 70's lol. The Jorge Cervantes Bible isn't too bad, probably one of the best books I have seen, this website and some of its members have taught me more than I will ever get out of a book though. Most people are willing to help, but take any advice you get with a grain of salt, many people just regurgitate the same garbage they have been fed for years. I have done lots of trial and error over the years. I can't always tell somewhat what to do, but I can usually tell you what doesn't work as I have made just about every mistake imaginable lol. Any questions feel free to ask!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. That is actually the book I was looking at getting. I've read a lot of his stuff in HT, and like what I've read. I have probably learned at least, as much on here as from books too. I mainly like to have one around, just so I can look something up real quick if needed. I don't like starting threads asking questions that have already been beat to death. Unless it's something that I couldn't find out otherwise, or can't get a clear answer by searching.

I do have some good news for myself. I got to thinking about what kind of magnifiers we would have around here, and remembered seeing my son with a couple. I found one he has from a bug catching kit, and it works quite well. lol Thanks to it, I saw my mites aren't completely gone either....Damn it !! lol I can see the trichomes pretty well. They are almost all cloudy looking. I saw very few that looked clear still. I didn't notice any that were an amber color though. Someone said I would know them when I saw them. So, I'm assuming I will. Is it a very noticeable amber, or very subtle in color ?


bud bootlegger
I may have to report you to a mod for double posting, that is considered spam around these parts:lol:
lol, my mifi's been acting up and it took forever and a day for the pix to load on google images, other wise we'd have posted it pretty much at the same exact time.. :D


Well-Known Member
i'm seeing double.. :D
Whew !!! I thought I had one too many hits on the wake-n-bake. lol

Thanks guys, I watched a video on youtube, and saw exactly what they looked like. Do y'all wait 'til you see a couple turning amber, or do you take them as soon as your not seeing many clear ones ? I'm sure this is probably where the personal preference comes into play. Just seeing what most others do.


Misguided Angel
I usually end up pulling them when they are about 90% cloudy, there is usually about 10% amber by this time, give or take. Make sure you are checking the calyxes and not the leaves too.