Sour Diesel Day 55 of Veg! Let me kno what u think! leave some input!!


Well-Known Member
i agree it seems like it could use more lights, looks a little small for day 55, but its not really stretching and youve got a good bit of light on it. . just get those suckers way up close, like 2 inches


Well-Known Member
6 CFLS, two 30w and four 26w
You need waaay more light, that plant in tiny for 55 days. It also could be the spectrum. What is your lumens? Check into all that stuff because 2 30w and 4 26w if they are proper spectrums should at least give you a bigger plant then that. Looks super healthy though, but give that lady some light to grow under!


i appreciate it man, i know its the spectrum! they are 2500k. if i would of went to lowes first i would of gotten the 6500k for veg but i messed that up!! but ive heard that 2500k is perfect for budding is this correct?


Well-Known Member
have you lollipopped that plant? it looks super duper healthy!!! but i'd have thought there would have been more growth than that
