sour diesel final days


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I have been super skeptical of actually posting pictures on the internet(which you would think to be a bad idea). However i kind of wanted to share some pictures with you guys of my two sour diesel girls. Their harvest colors are really starting to show. the fan leaves have a very vibrant yellow and lime green as it is rapidly losing nitrogen. They are both dying and are really super sizing their fruits. The girls have been growing for about 4-5 months. To be honest i dont remember when i started them at all. Resin covers all of the sugar coated buds and is extremely sticky to touch. I have everything stuck to my fingers after im done touching her. I harvested one early due to a bad soil deficiency. Ph was on the money, but the plant suffered from disease. I have since harvested and dried those buds and smokes well with a intense citris flavor. I would rate her at about a 7.5 out of 10. However my other plant is much much better. I cut most of the lower branches off early in flowering making a canopy(This makes yield and quality of the top buds increase). Top buds are ultimately all you really want. I mean popcorn buds are cool and all, only if your a junior baker :) I cant describe this sour citris smell that this plant gives off. It truly is a wonderful thing. The tempatures in my grow room have dropped from 90's in the summer to 60's in the winter. I was hoping for a nice change in color but i dont think this plant is genetically capable of creating any purple. But the fan leaves on the other hand have put on quite a show. That really all i have to say ill let you guys look at some of my crappy pictures.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. It came out pretty killer. taste really increases as you smoke its pretty much oozing with resin about half way through the joint. Tastes super citris and piney. Good yeild off the second plant. I would say about half pound when all dried out and cured.I actually just harvested last plant a few hours ago. I scraped a resin ball of my scissors i use for trimming and rolled it around in some keif and put that sucker into the bong. RIPPED