Sour Diesel just starting to flower (pics)


Well-Known Member
Title says it all. Sour Diesel run just starting to flower.

600 watt HPS
Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Fox Farm Nutrients

Clone from Harborside then turned into a mother. Did a one plant test run i was happy with but this is the first real go with it. hopefully i get it right. i love this strain when its done right.
happy with them so far.

sour d 1.jpg
sour d 2.jpg
Close up of one of the tops
sour d 3.jpg
Another view.



Beautiful plants. I can't get a hold of sour diesel seeds, so I'm stuck with green crack, northern lights, and milkshake

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
i got a coupl of these ladies going on as well. 2 weeks from harvest under 2k watts. its one of my fav strain, like said above..when it done right. for me, this is one of them strains that takes a scope to really check ot the tricoms. mine are normally around a 10 week flowering cycle, give or take a few days. i used some BushMaster for the first time on one of them just to check it out and i swear to god the thing is twice as big as the other ones. they got 4-5 z's per plant, which i am suprised as hell due to the fact that this strain is long,lanky and scronney when it starts off...ill try to post a pic of big bertha later tonight

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
the top/left it the same plant in the first week of flower.its hard to believe that that scronney half assed lst trained plant is the same one..but it is.plants 1 169.jpg


Well-Known Member
here is some pictures from the beginning of week 5...hoping for a decent yield.

sour d 10.jpgsour d 11.jpgsour d 12.jpgsour d 13.jpgsour d 14.jpg
Grown n Oregon - I'm expecting a 10 week cycle as well so i'm figure these ladies are nearing the half way point, and yours look absolutely gorgeous by the way. hopefully i'll end up with something like yours.

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
i like ur little cages u got around ur ladies. thats one thing about this goes ape shit at about week 3-4 and the branches cant hold the massive buds up cuz the stems dont seem to grow like the buds. ur little set up looks like it works good. by the time i chopped mine down the other took up a whole 1000w all to it self cuz it spread out hardcore. im gonna do my diesels like u got looks slick