Sour Diesel...

I'm new to growing and I'm currently at week 15 with my Sour Diesel Plant... I was wondering how much longer you think this will be because she is looking very girl.jpg


Active Member
look trichromes. if u want body high then they should me milky .
If u want to get stoned harvest when there are brown circle in them


Well-Known Member
That looks like a healthy plant!

What type of SD seed did that come from?

I REEEEAAAAALLLLY want some SD seeds.... I figure when I am willing to spend the money on them I will get some from Dr. Greenthumb. Just might be a while before I get some.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
i agree she is very healthy. if i am not mistaken what do you mean by 15wks? is it 15 wks from sprout or 15wks of flower? if it's flower i believe you are beyond being done. from my understanding i think sour is a 10-11 wk strain.
Thanks guys!!! I'm at 15 weeks from sprout... I actually got the seed out of a batch I got from a friend... I saved it immediately!! I'm using Happy Frog soil with Tiger Bloom, Grow Big and Big Bloom...

The plant is huge right now and my concern is the bottom of the plant... I went very basic, because I am new... LOL... I am not using mylar so the bottom isn't getting as much light... I was wondering if I can harvest the top first - when ready - and still let the bottom get what it needs to?


Well-Known Member
Yes taking the top first and letting the rest
grow is fine and many do this up in Humboldt.
Sour diesel is a great super potent strain.


Well-Known Member
Use clean scissors and cut at a 45 degree angle and leave something(branches)
above the cut this will allow the resins to keep going up to the tops of the plant.
U don't want the plant to think the main stalk is dead. You want to keep the energy
of the plant to growing not healing. You pretty much want to keep the top of the plant
looking even.


Active Member
man.. forget the trichtomes.. when the plant is done, it will look done

the hairs will have turned colors and start receeding back into the plant.. the catylz (spelling) will have swelled, the leaves on the top cola will have more of a crispy look and feel and and be stuff on a upward slant (you already have the upward slant)

only looking at trichs will lead you to harvest premature because they can appear milky with some turning amber and the plant be NO WHERE NEAR ready
Thanks guys! Very informative.... She's starting to swell at the top now and the hairs are starting to go back in.... I'm watching it each day... Although I'm trying not to pay too too much attention because I don't want to become anxious... The center is so chunky, nice thick buds, so I am definitely trying to wait as long as I can... The leaves on the top part of the plant are starting to turn golden, as described in Zeus' take, so I don't know if it will be ready in about another week or so??/