Sour grape seedling. need help on propper feeding/watering


New Member
This is day three on this seedlingView attachment 2256094View attachment 2256095
BioThriveGrow, CaMag+, BioRoot & BioWeed. With BlackDiamond & BioMarine ad optional side nutes. im using all 4 recomended plus BlackDiamond. like i said. twice a day with this stuff. and just a tiny sprinkle to kep it wet over night and through the day.
do i need to give it straight water? please help Thanks ahead of time.


Well-Known Member
You're over feeding you seedlings, they don't need nutes at this stage of the growth. Just give them water for the first week or so. Soil already has some nutes in it.


New Member
because im all in trial and error at this point
if you know forsure it will effect it than ok. im just going off what the general organics chart says to do. simply to see the production. it says the first week to be feeding it all of that.


Well-Known Member
I did with my afgan kush and white widow abt 150ppm and it didn't seem to bother them, 'course I'm hydro so being in soil is defferent. as I said soil already has nutes and if you add more you'd be nute burning it.


New Member
thanks man. much appreciated. i think i'll just drop it down to a slow schedule water,water,water,water,feed, etc,etc until it gets a little bigger and try just running the nutes on one of my out coming seedlings here soon. jsut to see what it does. if it burns it ill get back and post it.
thanks again dt


Like I tell ALL newbies starting there growing life. Your babies are very delicate and you should spray your babies with carbonated water at a rate of morning and night and very lightly (like 2 squirts each time) I have NEVER failed doing it this way and plants love carbon ;)

P.S. You don't need nutrients at this stage using carbonated water. Your good to go for about 2 weeks with just water. Don't over water or you'll drown your little ones.