Sour Kush 24 days old

TN Jed

This is a 24 day old sour kush under 600HPS and 400MH. Does this look like over-watering? The plant seems short and stocky and you can see the leaves are curled. I have fed it once with quarter strength Buddha Grow. The plant is in a 5 gallon smart pot with pro-mix and the dry line from Aurora Innovations roots organic. Thanks. The taller pic is an auto pounder, same age and everything else.P2230181.jpgP2230177.jpgP2220171.jpg
you can always check the weight of your pots before you water....if they are really light then water...heavier than normal doesnt need water.. let it dry out then give it a light watering with no nutes just cal-mg and some type of enzymes(hygrozyme,sensizyme)..hope this helps