Sour Patch Seed Bank Sucks..... allegedly


Well-Known Member
ok ladies.... heard from dude. He made good on his promise and provided tracking number. he was able to get another pack.

i made thread because he didn't reply to my status request emails for 9 days. I was just also ripped off by cannazon too and had to do charge back on CC after 120 days of no replies to calls and emails. long story short, perhaps I should have waited a little longer to get this pissed... but it has been a month since order, and 9 days of no response. besides being called bro alot, and maybe not paying enough attention to his orders, he deserves a chance. I guess.

things to learn for him...

1) if someone asks if inventory is good before sending payment... don't say "all good" when there is only 2 packs left.

2) respond to customers emails, especially when you claim to be customer service king.

3) take the unavailable items off site. or show 0 inventory. Alien rift still shows available!

Things to learn for me... smoke a bowl and chill out!!!

Nobody messes with my benjamins! for real. I went all drama queen on this because i bought money order with crisp new benji's. Then i start thinking about how they went to waste, and boom.... psycho. especially near xmas. I've got kids man. I have toys to buy.. it was a long month of promises, but in the end he did what he said he would. Could have been handled more professionally but then again I suppose this is a grey market.

I apologize to Sour Patch Seedbank, and stand corrected.

My only suggestion is to make sure inventory is DEFINITELY good before paying. unless you're equally happy with second choice too. perhaps just growing pains. NGR went thru serious headaches too and now seem legit.

I'm sure he will learn from this. I will check my po box soon and I cross my fingers he got rest of order correct.
Brother thank you for posting this. I do appreciate it and am sorry for the entire mixup. I do get busy and sometimes am not as vocal about certain parts of the process as maybe I should be. I also need to take time off work. I don't ever do my customers wrong. I love all my people. NGR on the otherhand. I have nothing to say. If you know you know if you don't you need to learn. If a seed bank offers the lowest prices they are hurting for money, this is truth. If a place has something that's usually 200 but they have it standard at 150. I would ask myself why that is. Are they just really nice and want to hook it up....hell no. Who starts a business to just give shit away. Goodwill, salvation army. No seed bank is anything like that and is definitely not there for charity. Either the breeder has had a falling out and so stock is liquidated or the bank wants to get all sales and make others look more expensive. It's not black and white. These are seeds not a TV or other tangible usual type product. Seeds are easy to be fraudulent with and it takes 6 months to tell if they are good or even what they are suposse to be. Then if the bank gets contacted by customers about bad seeds who gets the blame? The breeder takes the rap Cuz it's his work or at least in his packaging.


Well-Known Member
i ate tostinos for breaky. washing it down w/ 1 million ounces of coffee & two dutches. wtf? i need to get faded before work. got 3 hours to get into a zone. no lie i serve the burger on a brioche w/ bordeaux red wine sauce. we dont have ketchup in our house. we make the mustard & mayo & pickles too. love to have a gathering of like minds & grill down. once i get to the mitten, next year latest, im 100% wit dat.
View attachment 3617306
luv to cook/grill... you should try this... lol no ketchup???
bacon.jpg bacon2.jpg b3.jpg b4.jpg b5.jpg b6.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sour patch Seed bank is the worse seedbank ever first he charges double then everyone in house is 70-85 for pack everywherr n sour patch 100-150 ridiculous for real n secondly he also went around an personally asked each seedbank indivaully to higher there prices up so he could get more customers n charge more money n was told by multiply seedbanks witout me sayin anythin close to that no bull lol he acts like he for the ppl n helpin ppl but who says that n yhen goes around weebanks askin rasise prices lol
My packs also contain genuine seeds direct from the vendor. My inhouse genetics may be a bit higher on some strains of his because I have respect for the prices that we set when I purchased off of IN House genetics. NGR was suposse to stay within 5 dollars of that price point but went 50% which is pretty much what he paid for it but wanted to do just this, make people look at me like I'm trying become a million aire off one company is seed drop or something


Well-Known Member
Also, the fact remains... He did NOT have the packs he claimed were "all good". He realized he was in hot water and begged for another pack from ocean grown. Had this thread not started I'd guess hed still be waiting. Perhaps he will end up getting the pack. But the bad taste remains in my mouth. Will probably never order. But hey, that will make my wife/wallet happy.
I did not even know about this post until after I had sent him the seeds he wanted. I couldn't go to the breeder to get the pack mentitled they had sold out. I had to contact a buddy that has alot of their gear and have him search his vault to get them for this guy. If your missing out on sour patch, your just missing out. Give me a shot brother you will not be disappointed


Well-Known Member
It is great to know that you now accept CC. Do you ship to north of the boarder to Canada?

Much respect for being available to the people in the forum. I think that you have clarified things from your side well, but I would encourage you to not get dragged into an online fight. Let your business do the talking and people will spread the word. I have seen countless times before, recently with DVD, and it just turns into a giant shit storm.

Again much respect mang.


Well-Known Member
It is great to know that you now accept CC. Do you ship to north of the boarder to Canada?

Much respect for being available to the people in the forum. I think that you have clarified things from your side well, but I would encourage you to not get dragged into an online fight. Let your business do the talking and people will spread the word. I have seen countless times before, recently with DVD, and it just turns into a giant shit storm.

Again much respect mang.
For sure bro. I ship globally for a little extra free inside the usa. I have had many people not do business with me due to this post so I had to get in there and clarify a few things throughout the entire thread. Not interested in drama at all except tnt lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the slower shipping speeds back then bro. I am a solo owner operator and have to meet many of the breeders I work with in person. I don't generally travel with my entire bank in my car so I sometimes can be out of town acquiring new fire genetics. Honestly seeds don't really require supernatural shipping, not sure who has ever been in a hurry to grow. Just seems counter intuitive to me I guess. It should be a nice relaxing type deal or so I thought at 20 years of growing experience personally.

Super hot drop coming soon. Bro I don't advertise my seed bank like a teenage girl. Lol it wasn't a e pack drop brother omg get your info straight. I hadon't a total of 5 strains get dropped by ocean grown. 3 alien rift, 5 San Andreas fault og, 10 houdini, 15 shockwave I believe is what it was. That's what I got Cuz that's all they had when we met up. Lmao. Spin the situation to sound like I'm a dirty seed dealer or something. Look at all the trouble you have caused me over what man.
It's all good man, I just said that so it didn't sound like I was dick riding, have to have some criticism ya know lol. Have been more than happy with your services overall. Get my tax return this week so hope you are ready... any topdawg coming in soon?


Well-Known Member
I did not even know about this post until after I had sent him the seeds he wanted. I couldn't go to the breeder to get the pack mentitled they had sold out. I had to contact a buddy that has alot of their gear and have him search his vault to get them for this guy. If your missing out on sour patch, your just missing out. Give me a shot brother you will not be disappointed
I wouldn't worry about this thread. I have a hunch that its going to earn you more business than you may have lost.

I'm going to give you a whirl now that you've clarified things...


Well-Known Member
Brother thank you for posting this. I do appreciate it and am sorry for the entire mixup. I do get busy and sometimes am not as vocal about certain parts of the process as maybe I should be. I also need to take time off work. I don't ever do my customers wrong. I love all my people. NGR on the otherhand. I have nothing to say. If you know you know if you don't you need to learn. If a seed bank offers the lowest prices they are hurting for money, this is truth. If a place has something that's usually 200 but they have it standard at 150. I would ask myself why that is. Are they just really nice and want to hook it up....hell no. Who starts a business to just give shit away. Goodwill, salvation army. No seed bank is anything like that and is definitely not there for charity. Either the breeder has had a falling out and so stock is liquidated or the bank wants to get all sales and make others look more expensive. It's not black and white. These are seeds not a TV or other tangible usual type product. Seeds are easy to be fraudulent with and it takes 6 months to tell if they are good or even what they are suposse to be. Then if the bank gets contacted by customers about bad seeds who gets the blame? The breeder takes the rap Cuz it's his work or at least in his packaging.

Lol..that's business man.. Just like I undercut others to get their custies... The real money is in the volume. You could make up for higher prices if ya have great freebies and amazing customer service.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about this thread. I have a hunch that its going to earn you more business than you may have lost.

I'm going to give you a whirl now that you've clarified things...

You are right.. I can't even remember posting in this thread but I will probably place a small order if I like his menu n test him out.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
ok ladies.... heard from dude. He made good on his promise and provided tracking number. he was able to get another pack.

i made thread because he didn't reply to my status request emails for 9 days. I was just also ripped off by cannazon too and had to do charge back on CC after 120 days of no replies to calls and emails. long story short, perhaps I should have waited a little longer to get this pissed... but it has been a month since order, and 9 days of no response. besides being called bro alot, and maybe not paying enough attention to his orders, he deserves a chance. I guess.

things to learn for him...

1) if someone asks if inventory is good before sending payment... don't say "all good" when there is only 2 packs left.

2) respond to customers emails, especially when you claim to be customer service king.

3) take the unavailable items off site. or show 0 inventory. Alien rift still shows available!

Things to learn for me... smoke a bowl and chill out!!!

Nobody messes with my benjamins! for real. I went all drama queen on this because i bought money order with crisp new benji's. Then i start thinking about how they went to waste, and boom.... psycho. especially near xmas. I've got kids man. I have toys to buy.. it was a long month of promises, but in the end he did what he said he would. Could have been handled more professionally but then again I suppose this is a grey market.

I apologize to Sour Patch Seedbank, and stand corrected.

My only suggestion is to make sure inventory is DEFINITELY good before paying. unless you're equally happy with second choice too. perhaps just growing pains. NGR went thru serious headaches too and now seem legit.

I'm sure he will learn from this. I will check my po box soon and I cross my fingers he got rest of order correct.

Man some of you are dick riders. saying you will give him a shot after all of this drama? does any of this look professional? Is that who you want your credit card and paypal stuff with? Sure I put my info out there, but see how he runs his mouth terribly? There are other banks out there, that dont have these diahhrea of mouth problems, and they have inventory systems in place.

SPSB-You still deserved the Drama... youre still running your mouth. I have been buying seeds since Marc Emery days and have never had to send overnight, after Seller says stock is "all good".

Exhibit (A). This pic is a drop in the bucket of packs ive bought in my 20 years. this is just the packs I still have seeds left of and all bought in 2015. just the GGG is nearly a grand. Does it look like I have a problem getting Ocean Grown? You act like im lucky you provided them??? there are tons of packs with 0 seeds I threw away. Yep. im a noob alright. Seedbanks dream customer actually.index.jpe

$150 is a big deal when Im told in stock and no worries.

How was I supposed to act when I was......

A.) waiting for ALien Rift for months.

B.)See your advertised drop and Wait WEEKS! for your awesome drop(of 3 packs) Checking IG every couple hours for your drop.

C.) complete checkout immediately....

D.) send friendly email confirming in stock and payment will be sent immediately- see priority mail delivered payment in 48 hours

E.) get email over a week later saying. out of stock. make alternative choice!!! After making my case to why this is BS, still get told all sales final too bad. I then contact TeamOG. They lit a fire under your ass and song changed to Ill try to get a pack. few weeks go by of promises and then, you stop responding. I get ahold of TeamOG again per their request and a week later, you came through. If it wasnt for me going full retard, I would have been a victim of your bullshit.

I had every right to be pissed. I had every right to make these threads. In the end, you handled it wrong. You made things right, but then went on to make it wrong again. I made the posts saying you made it right, and it wasn't a small post that was hidden.

In the end, Im a hustler, and not about sinking a business. They deserve second chances. I just posted warnings. TRIPLE CHECK INVENTORY!!! with SPSB.

BTW do you have Grandpas breath F2 in stock????

For realz, jay whoever you are. just get an inventory system and this BS will go away. In the event someone orders something you dont have in stock, but site shows you do??? just give them their money back. not force them into alternatives.

Peace out Audi 5000