South Park


Well-Known Member
"I'm not yo fwend guy!"

"I'm not yo guy budday!"

Haha I think after that episode with the what what in the butt thing everyone was like what the hell is chocolate rain? And then ran to their computers and gave that freak 10 million more hits.


New Member
took me a while to get past what i thought was lame animation but then i had to download all of the series and watch em all pretty great stuff


Well-Known Member
so did anyone watch it? the panademic it was OK.i dont really like craig.but it was good.


Active Member
I'm a fan of the World of Warcraft episode... lol.. I play that game and can relate to many times myself waking up early, eating chips and drinking soda while playing.. haha....good stuff XD


Well-Known Member
haha!!! the pandemic episodes were pretty good!!! DAMN YOU CRAIG!!! you never give up!!!! I like Craig! hes always flipping people off!!! which he failed to do in both episodes, made me sad :(
I saw a cool video on the making of the WOW episode, it was pretty sool, they actualy had the game company come in and animate characters n shist.

Looks like SP was betting on Barak winning, as it seems tomorrows episode is based on exactly that. check it out, hmyea! News - South Park Studios
and Hmyea


Well-Known Member
haha!!! Was he a McCain supporter, or Obama?
so I know if he hurt himself parting, ir tried to kill himself! :P


Well-Known Member
its funny i went to an obama rally this past weekend and people were acting just like that.