Southern CA January 2012 Harvest Support Group


Active Member
Holy FUCK it's dry right now in San Diego. I harvested on Monday morning and am soooooo glad I opted for a whole plant drying just because I had noticed how dry my skin had been lately. It's been 25% RH around here and supposed to drop even more! I've resorted to placing buckets of water with air stones in the drying room just to get some moisture in the air! January is supposed to be everybody's first harvest after a long hot summer. It's supposed to be EASY!

Anyways I'm just having fun here but I'm curious to see if other people in this region are in the same boat:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I live up the street (the OC). I am making clones right now, so thanks for the heads up. I am going to dig up my spray bottle.