@Luger,i just got mine renewed at Chronic Disease Consultants in temecula,this is the 2nd time ive been there,the first time i brought a prescription bottle but the second time i didnt.
if you let them know your comming from a diff city you get it 25$ off,it will be 75$ and next time i think 55 or 65$
oh shit! i totally forgot my rec is expiring very soon!!!
i need to find a doctor and get a prescription for ibuprofen or something so i can show it to the mmj doc to renew it. anyone have a good way to do that without medical insurance? i dont have a doctor, so who do i go to? lol
btw, i use mmj for anxiety. my xanax prescriptions were making me a zombie. but since using mmj, the anxiety is under control and i no longer have a therapist, who gave me the xanax. so, i wont be able to get xanax again without going to a therapist first, which is why i asked about ibuprofen instead.
ive had my mmj rec for so long, i dont have any recent prescriptions(since weed works better). isnt it funny that we have to go get pills in order to get an mmj rec, only to never use the pills?
I didn't need a prescription the first time . My blood pressure was through the roof though. The Doc wasn't in we did it by web cam. Doc said to come back and see him to take care of it( BP). The Nurse basically asked why I wasn't dead. LOL.

She goes your blood pressuser is high, I said well what is it,210 over 80. I go so what, whats that mean ? She said well 180 is high.

No wonder I wasn't feeling good.

And out the door I went with a Rec.

I went to see my regular Doc about the blood pressure thing and still haven't taken care of it. Never got my blood work done. The lab is always full of super old people and no where to sit. I'm like fuk this. I do need to get this done though.

I owe it to my two son's to take care of my self.
I have huge anxiety issues and stress headaches daily. My job is huge fucking beat down daily. All about huge dollars and pissed off customers.The General public is rough these days. Everbody wants something for nothing. Don't sneeze wrong ,it will cost you money !

My job will kill me or get me divorced or both. I can do without the damn wife though. Biatch ! Nag ass Biatch !

fucking woman are evil creatures. No offense to my Female friends here !
So wonder why I'm up so late? DEFEND THE GROW !

neighborhood dogs are barking funny so I'm up paying attention and listening. It's a nightly routine

Hard to her over the wife snooring though. I just keep poking her.

And it's not what you think.That don't happen much. I'm always in the doghouse because she dreams up trouble.It's after 3am and the plants really start stinking this time of the morning. Theres is wonderful wiffs of skunks,cat piss and diesel wafting in through my open bedroom patio door.

these things stink !