Southern California Patients


Well-Known Member
Go for it TWS ..I wouldnt be available then anyhow .. I thought we were talking about this month ... Kona I have a room for rent.. but im looking more for childcare instead of straight rent :)
Well that's not good cause we defintly would like/need you to be there. It doesn't have to be Nov 12th then. This month is almost over. That would be next weekend ? I kinda have some chores to do that weekend then the next weekend I have to work. The weekend after the nov 12th is my B-day weekend (possible ?)the weekend of the 19-20th then we're on to Thanks giving. Man time flys ! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Oh ya it sounds like a good thing for sure!!! I just was trying to get a little more info, my problems in the past have stemmed from me too nice and then not standing up for myself lol!!! I just want to have a good situation and know what I am getting myself into hahaha!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ya after this month I doubt a weekend get together will work for me ... Ive been off work on disability for a year ... and once I go back nov 1st I work every weekend.. AND i doubt I accrued vacation time during my 12 months off LOLOLOLOL :) .. but its all good.. I cant win em all... have a good time for me :)!


Well-Known Member
:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-( next weekend is fine for me. It might not be as big as we hoped but we can still crash your pad! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ooooooo ! up allllllllll Nighhhttt oooooooo up allll nightttttttt. Isn't there a song like that ? :lol:

Growing outside has made me a isomniac :lol:


Well-Known Member
I still have no problem coming your way alotofball hahaha just might work out ya know, got enough friends around here already and I have never minded thowing gas money!!!!!!!!!!!