Southern California Patients

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Fuckin dirty bastards watch ur sss bro they got ur name and address now and know what u look like and u smoke herb. All it takes is a lil wAtchin to find out u doin more than that. Fuck that's fucked up cover ur ass for a bit bro


Active Member
yea but i think I'm aiet now, I'm not the only one this happened to, almost half the people in this complex smoke herb, but we know the cops that patrol the area and talk to them regularly so ittl be coo, and it as my last adress on my stuff so they might rob a house that an hour away -__-


Active Member
but now I'm out of bud -___- i have to save this hash bar for this car ride to bakersfield tommorow ahah


Well-Known Member
hahaha dont make fun of my hood!im in the dale.i hate oildale im gettning out of here asap.hey no swag come see me when you here!


Active Member
hahaha dont make fun of my hood!im in the dale.i hate oildale im gettning out of here asap.hey no swag come see me when you here!
lmao my bad, but see lemme tell you a story.

First time in bakersfield my uncle wants to go eat somewhere dank in oildale, I say okay and we go, now mind you I'm black and japanese(this is hard to tell), at the restaurant were eating at I excuse myself after eating and go outside for a stoge, next thing a man asks for one and I happen to be smoking my last one. I tell him this then he proceeds to get aggrivated and says "I never like black japanese people anyway". after this, oildale is partly racist to me ahah.


Well-Known Member
yeah it can get pretty bad in some parts of the dale.theres something worst than racist out here.Tweakers!stealing everything.only a tweaker will steal your garden hose cutting in half and taking it next door and they start watering their porch.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Lol fuckin tweakers lol "these guys will never know i stole their hose" lol and uses it in front of ur face ha ha ha


Active Member
sup folks hows all my So cal peeps doing? Please once again no drama in my thread post. Keep it clean. Thanksgiving today! Yesterday was my official birthday. Nov 23rd , Party is still going Dec 2nd. but might change a few days after. I need to talk to TWS. I've had to move again and have not been on due to my move, So I'm very sorry I have not been able to answer back every one at a timely manner. And for some reason everytime i log into RIU it logs me out again? any ideas? It's pissing me off.

P.S.S the People without a ride just let me home, I'm traveling all of So-cal the day of party to pick people up without cars in my motorhome.