Southern California Patients

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
the best line on the net right now...

hahaha i source shit from the actual source not or my opinion of a cut i prob got at a club... good job...

2 thumbs up

Lol you sourcing shit from the real source lol now that's a new one rofl. How come all your gears such trash then lol 95% of it doesn't resemble og hardly at all lol watered down boo boo bullshit.


Active Member
Oh, If I wasnt getting so wrecked tonight.....

Hmmm maybe I could try to make it with my roomate. (finally convinced him to make a riu account :D )

Ohhh kron, soon I will be trying to get a cut of that from you, oh so soon.

Im also a fail, as my zip for my sannie order I put 91001, when my zip is 91007 :? and it shipped in 1 day, oh the extra time I have to wait to fix 1 little typo.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Oh, If I wasnt getting so wrecked tonight.....

Hmmm maybe I could try to make it with my roomate. (finally convinced him to make a riu account :D )

Ohhh kron, soon I will be trying to get a cut of that from you, oh so soon.

Im also a fail, as my zip for my sannie order I put 91001, when my zip is 91007 :? and it shipped in 1 day, oh the extra time I have to wait to fix 1 little typo.
We will handle that privately lol you know me not everyone does


Active Member
Sweetness Kron, hope we can chill monday. I asked for the Heribei X LUI/G13 as a freebee, I hope sans got it in stock.


Well-Known Member
kapt. i have the real cut man( and ahve run through about 20 cuts labeled og. so i could pass the best ones to the medical community. in which i did 7 years ago. when i was the clone scene in socal..... i gave every single one of them to the medical community and have been since u were saying why would i want your cut. dude i dont want your hearsay bs.. i go to the source for things.. and develop relationships with these people not something to make myself feel better.. kinda like ol riot i got the original yet his buds never looked like og.... and these seeds you have to outcross to find a male.. once again done 3-4 years ago now...dont be mean and a dousche help the community get the medication they need ...

the stories i can give you about how mj actually works and help people and the stories of how it helps my Multiple sclerosis...or how it brought my friends wife basically back from the dead with the garberville pk and the respect og cut...from crohns man not hoard...this is why in 04-05-06 i released thousands of elite and socalled elite gentics to the cali med community... back before APE was doing cuts as i gave him sht a quarter plus of his genetics when he first started.


Active Member
Swerve, I highly defended you as a breeder when the first thread about CC came up on RIU, I read and a lot of it was unnecessary bashing on what I thought was a reputable breeder. Although I still have faith in your genetics, beans, and product fully, cause all I have seen is fire. But you as a person, and how you carry yourself online is so terrible. Like a god-complex of some sort and as small time growers it's kinda off putting and doesn't make us want to buy your product. When most other breeders show themselves on RIU their completely polite, talk about the seeds, and answer questions. Not show off how ultimate CC beans are far superior to other cuts etc etc.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha u of all people tellin me not to hoard how am i hoarding u og jocking douche you probably don't even know that og isnt kush oh that's right u don't u call everything u make Og kush somethin or other. Lol if I was hoarding it u wouldn't know I had it all u would know is I can get fire og buds. Your such a complete joke on the scene it's not even funny swerve take your joker ass elsewhere were serious about our genetics here. Your fuckin blabbering on about nonsensical bullshit instead of stayin on topic. YOur part of the reason NOBODY has fuckin good og anymore cuz they all running your garbage ass gear. Anyone I know that says they are going to get an og cut I give my cut to instead and I fuckin GIVE it to them. Take your weak bullshit and bounce man. Your not doin the medical community any good. All these fuckin stories you could tell lol. Your another one of those self righteous prick of a breeder who thinks his shit don't stink. Like you said all you got is stories


Well-Known Member
Man kaptain lay off him hahaha I am sure whatever everyone is smoking on I good lol ;) so what's up with this beach meet up????

thump easy

Well-Known Member
fuck i carry myself realy bad i hope that dont fuck me cause next im gona get into breading lolz but im not all right in the head at all... i take meds for my brain in two major car recks im still alive but i dont care anyways i think a good product is a good product n thats all im shooting for A NEW HOT DROP. think i do go from time to time off my rocker... no one gona agree with everyone but if i find a half decent person with a great strain, im doing it for the people, n for the guy who gave it up... it takes a lot to make the cut.. well deserved points in my book it aint easy..... :)


Well-Known Member
lol damn, if the weather holds out, maybe it'll be a valentine's harvest/rib bbq and you're all invited! happy new year everyone. i'm spent.