Southern California Patients


Well-Known Member
No spoilers ! Couldn't be any happier with tonights Race results !
my boy eli tomac first one to triple that step up and on a 250! def best ride of the night imo. grant let me down though. bubba was chargin hard but fucked up. lol can't be cocky anymore with this line up. looks like it's the same riders as last year all gonna be in competition for the overall.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
hahahaa cheezy lol gotta love that sour dubble ;) shits fire, thank bog for that one ;) alien dubtechs on my list, hey tws, i hope you know i didnt stand you up on purpose brother forgot if i pmed you sayin some asshole robbed me for my phone, still workin on replacin it.


Well-Known Member
Lol so this is what you do in the mornings? j/k

Fuck the environment here, I took some clones last night and slapped them into the 104 site cloner and this morning they are wilted as SHIT. So I check the RH around here and its like 29%! Man that is a little fucking ridiculous.

Seems Ill have to control my environment a little tighter than Im used to, maybe these things will pick up, but with the size they are, and considering the RH, I just dont know...

Guess Ill give it another shot in 2 weeks when the mothers veg back out, Ill grab up a humidifier and some other things because damn.....I dont like the way this environment behaves lol.
Ya my clone closet I gotta keep real humid and clone straight in soil, a humidifier can always help, or I just make sure the dome is moist and the is a lil excess water on bottom of tray!!!!!! ;)


Active Member
Hey does anyone know how Id get a job as a trimmer around here? I would work relatively cheap and Im super effecient.
The problem is Im on disability and need extra income to be able to support the grow like I would want to, and not only that, my wife is 8 months pregnant, so I could really use the cash.

Besides for that, really any under the table job would do, I just dont know how to get one here, back home, they build a lot of houses, so there is always construction work to be done.


Well-Known Member
right thats sound nice!! I hope you find one man, I am on disablitliy too, I hope everything goes good with your baby!!!! because of my brain injuries I was high risk and I can not ake care of my lil one on my own :( it is sad luckily I have a good mom that helps me, but my heart goes out to you!!!!! I pray you find something!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hahahaa cheezy lol gotta love that sour dubble ;) shits fire, thank bog for that one ;) alien dubtechs on my list, hey tws, i hope you know i didnt stand you up on purpose brother forgot if i pmed you sayin some asshole robbed me for my phone, still workin on replacin it.
No Kapt, I know, I got your PM. I tried my best to get a hold of you the best I could, Even when we were driving past your area I tried to call you for one last try. We'll have to go again ! Otherwise just been keeping to myself and trying to stay out of the drama scene.We'll talk to ya laters, Swag send me a pm. We all need to do something fun.


Well-Known Member
yayaya and I am meeting connections all over this bitch man hehehehhee everyone keeps telling me same thing hahahhahhaa gotta move outta this neighborhood hahahahahaha, I am like yes I know, I am dumb and listened to some stupid boy I nicknamed "spider mite" hehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​


Well-Known Member
wow one phone call and all my dreams are coming true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even tell you how excited i am right now!!!!! Hahahahahahaha i love my life!!!!!!!!!