Southern California Safe Deliver Service

I have a great idea for a delivery service I want to open up here in Southern California.

Essentially I am in Santa Barbara, California, a place that was recently raided by the DEA. All storefront dispensaries for miles have been closed.

Delivery services are very legitimate as they fall under SB 420 and the attorney general's guidelines as a qualifying "non-profit mutual benefit corporation."

The way this would work would be that I start off with my two strains, Raskal OG and Buddha Tahoe OG. Already I blow everyone out of the water and who cares if I don't have variety on the start up. That isn't even the problem.

The problem is that I need to get together $4000 to hire a lawyer and rent a physical location where the medication is "received, labeled, and stored" only.

The way transactions would take place between members of the collective would be as follows.

A completely legitimate non-profit mutual benefit corporation would be created between myself and a few others. All paperwork and membership agreements would be drawn up, we would have our first meeting and open a bank account. That is the trickiest part, the bank account. But it is possible, a lot of collectives take CC.

To become a member, an initial intake where the patients paperwork was verified and they signed up to become a member of the collective. Then, they would be given a log in and password to order anything online. Payment would go directly into the non-profits account and on the back end, we will have taken precaution to show how we are only fulfilling our consignment obligations and expenses by taking in "reasonable compensation" as defined by SB 420 and permissible under the law.

A patient could then order anything on the website and our 1099 licensed delivery drivers would collect a fee for each delivery. They could make their own hours, too. The collective would run 24/7 this way and could cover a giant territory.

As for growers, that would be handled as any true non-profit mutual benefit corporation would handle it. Patients and Care Givers, upon registration, would be asked if they were interested in growing for the collective. As a collective, we would provide the cuttings and reimburse these member's time and energy.

Worker's comp insurance would be provided to volunteers, only.

The best part of this non-profit business plan is how the medication is delivered. Since they have paid for their order online and are already registered as accepted patients, the only thing any delivery driver has to do is verify the patients CA ID. Like UPS, any hesitations with that and it's better luck next time. This is a very safe delivery position for anyone because they do not have to carry cash and/or risk getting busted by the DEA. The patient doesn't have to deal with anyone sketchy because our policy is a very simple process.

1) Hi, ID please?
2) Thank you Mrs. Hoggwarts, here is your ID and medication.
3) Get the hell out of there.

Any thoughts? Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a novel idea! It sounds just like the operation of all of the dispensaries that were closed by the DEA, or any delivery service that is in operation.

Sorry, the novel idea comment was sarcastic. :lol:

You sure spend a lot of time thinking about your sarcasm....

How about some references to your claims so I can learn something rather than feel insulted by the 'site admin'?

What I base my non-profit business model is from the above course, MCC 122 which I have taken. This course is sponsored by Cal NORML and the state of California. It is a legitimate southern california information and resource center that is very well spoken of.

So I base my information written above the topics covered in the Cal NORML sponsored course listed above. The DEA is closing storefront operations in California left and right. That is why Cal NORML sponsored this class to cover how to safely follow the guidelines written by the attorney general as interpreted through SB 420 and Prop 215.