SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
Considerable activity in the last few days, even from the smaller plants and the beginnings of branch development on all (photographed on No.1)...

These pics were taken just before watering. I overestimated the amount of water they'd be needing in my last post. This was the first watering for about 40 hours, the compost was quite dry and happily soaked up 0.5 litre per pot with no run off (although it hardly took any more to get some). This was despite it still being damp when I looked in on things earlier, just after lights on at 2pm.

I did take another, more side-on picture, showing the height of the plants better, but I seem to have accidentally wiped it. I'll grab one tomorrow.

Individual plant pics to follow in a mo...


Well-Known Member
No.4 is looking particularly squat and bushy - just want we want in here

Front row...

As you'll see more clearly tomorrow, Nos.6 & 7 have continued to grow noticeably taller than the others - could they possibly be boys?

Max's since 01/01/07: Temp 29.1°C, RH 57%
Min's since 01/01/07: Temp 18.2°C, RH 42%
At the time of these pictures: Temp 25.5°C, RH 44%, which seems to be the ball park figure most of the time. I'm not sure where the peaks and troughs are occuring, but I'm fairly certain they don't last very long.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
hashberry is a fast strong plant it seems i got a few males unfortunately but im making seeds so sometimes males are good.


Well-Known Member
They sure are looking good. Keep it up Jason you seem to have a nice crowd forming to watch your babies grow up.


Well-Known Member
I love things with that hashberry!!! I like #4 nice, squat, dark green, good things! Have you thought about keeping the grow going? As someoe said, a male will provide your pollen for seed production, but then you could take clones... but with the laws there.. ya might just want to make it a one time grow, huh? lol or like someone said go out a mile or two into a forest and get your grow on there..

later Jason!!
rep 4 U
Lookin GREAT!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, just wanted to say that you got a pretty sick grow there. Good luck with everything and I hope your rewarded with a Fukin awsome smoke.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Hi jason plants look very well..:hump: good job :clap:.

"As you'll see more clearly tomorrow, Nos.6 & 7 have continued to grow noticeably taller than the others - could they possibly be boys?

my first grow i took largest seed no1 & smallest seed no2 out of ten
2 is 28hrs ahead of 1 and on day 33 veg 1 is 4" taller than 2 did you notice difference in your seed sizes? yes its a stoner quizz:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I love things with that hashberry!!! I like #4 nice, squat, dark green, good things! Have you thought about keeping the grow going? As someoe said, a male will provide your pollen for seed production, but then you could take clones... but with the laws there.. ya might just want to make it a one time grow, huh? lol or like someone said go out a mile or two into a forest and get your grow on there..

later Jason!!
rep 4 U
Lookin GREAT!!!
im gonna keep one male jordanne
for cross polinating my own strains with this hashberry strain
thanks for the interest