SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

OMG. That is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too friggin funny but I hope nobody does anything like that wif my pic. Its funny on someone else;)

sorry jason but thats a hoot.

whaddup jason?
Wow man this is some amazing stuff! BIG Props to you for doing this especially after reading what those harsh laws are all about. I never took the time to actually look at your grow journal, having seen your posts all around, and wow, I was missing out. fuckin right!
Hey Jason
Go into your grow OP and take a nice long inhale for me bro
I bet that it smells great in there.
Makes me want to make blueberry pancakes :mrgreen:
Jason, I am waiting for more pics form the South korean Love grow. I actulaly look at your grow for things i could be doinf better.