SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
Put yourself in a country just about as far as you can be away from where you've grown up, in a foreign culture, speaking a foreign language, and you come across a guy that can get you herb at 100/ gonna say no?
yeah i will say no. no drug is worth $100 a gram. i'd quit smoking if prices were that high.


Well-Known Member
yeah, no shit! haha now I've been so desperate as to pay $110 an eigth... but that's 3.5 grams.. I ain't payin $350 for an eigth LOL!!

where's my ounce?? ha!


Well-Known Member
I hate having to pay $20 a gram ;*( but 100 a gram or even 110 an eigth???!!!! Might as well do heroin at those prices.


Well-Known Member
Damn, this is a ballsy fucking grow. I've thought about moving to South Korea for a few years but the drug laws scare the living crap out of me there. Full marks for bravery, man! 고수 원예사!! ^^

Jason (if you're still lurking around) - do you play starcraft at all?


Well-Known Member
cool cool, i obviously don't wish for what I said I was just trying to incite a post from him..guess it didn't work... I mean doesn't he check his journal? I'm sure when he comes back ill get a ball of shit from him but o well


Well-Known Member
Damn you guys are sounding like private investigators looking for this guy... My guess is he got snapped up and the southkorean gov't will use his screen name to bust others in southkorea... So when u all see jason's screen name show up, it's the feds!


Well-Known Member
Who cares where he went. How bout we just stop posting in this thead - LOL! I mean, if he's going to start a journal and grow some bomb ass herb, at least finish the journal off.



Well-Known Member
Maybe he turned chronic after smoking it and just can't be arsed to break the couchlock to bring us up to speed :lol: