SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

Well lets see then.... (sorry for the hijack jason but the subject is on)...

I received the shipping email from mandala on 6/5/2008 @ 7:17 am

(this is the email you get when they tell you they have recieved your payment
We received the payment and your order is shipping tomorrow. )

Mr west? hehehe
it dont matter anyway as long as we got some seeds lol did u get some free ones too? i got 5 safari mix free
well out of the 5 seeds i planted i have 2 that are making it for sure.... 3 devoloped that "damping off" due to lack of water.... so im down to 2 seeds growing...i still have 5 of hashberry and 5 jungle mix in the package...Im hoping at least 1 will be female...not very hi hopes on that right now... nevertheless... im going to try.
Yo Jason,

Where have you been friend? You should be almost ready to cut by now. I'm three weeks behind you, right?

wat u mean bro? i've just been missin out too much on ganja

Given the circumstances on marijuana possession, let alone the sale of marijuana in Korea, why would you even think Jason or ANYONE for that matter would sell off this website. Especially to somebody with such a low post rank as yourself?? AND on top of that how desperate you look, as if your hooked on crack or something??

Correct me if Im wrong people but saying NARC is a logical assumption isn't it?

PS He sent me a PM about it too as follows:

06-27-2008 11:36 AMyjizznit
yo bro.. u know if jason sells?

Get a clue...