SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
I've a good feeling about No.4...

...short, compact, bushy and with some of the most female-looking preflowers so far...

If any of them are going to turn out female, it will surely be this one.

And now, the baby of the family...

moving right along...


Well-Known Member
... poor old No.8...

...showing a few, faint signs of yellowing at the leaf edges...

...(those are the worst examples), but given the abuse it's endured (early underwatering and near-total compost disintegration at both re-pottings), it's amazing it's stiil alive

A testament on the one hand, as to how robust these seeds are; but a warning on the other as to how any plant can be stunted be clumsy handling.

If anything, I'd have expected this plant to be the slowest to mature, bearing the above in mind; even so...

moving on


Well-Known Member
Last Up No.10.

I'm still not totally convinced that this is male yet - we'll just have to see what comes out of the 12/12.

I summary, I reckon that...
Nos.1, 4 & 8 are probably female
No.2 is probably male
Nos. 3 & 10 are undecided

Please feel free to dis/agree, all input is welcome here.



Well-Known Member
And that's the state of things tonight, but before I go I'll sign off with some...

Fan Tales - A Story of Noise Reduction

I do like these tower fans - they're just a little flimsy, that's all.

I mentioned earlier, that I'd replaced my previous, single oscillating desk fan with some slightly trendier models. Highly compact, with three fan sppeds, oscillation and a nice mode which switches between fan speeds every few seconds, perhaps creating a more "natural" feeling for plants???

They're also very quiet - until they take a knock. This one fell about 18", off the top of some inverted flower pots, as I knocked it over towards the end of the last grow, when it was blowing over the top of the canopy.

I've had it apart a couple of times since then and can't see anything broken, but it's noisy as fuck. It's a glorified squirrel cage fan and my guess is that the central cage has gone slightly off-centre, causing the outer casing to vibrate. The polystyrene / bubble wrap bases made a difference, but still not enough; the weirdest thing being that the sound from it is louder through the ceiling into our bedroom, than it is standing a foot away from the 'drobe

Which is why there's half a roll of gaffa tape stuck on top of it. I noticed that applying a slight pressure to the top of the fan reduced the vibration and that the weight of the roll has the same effect; so there it remains, until I can afford a replacement.

It's still faintly audible through the ceiling, in the very dead of night, but the rest of the time it's drowned out by just the whirr of the 'fridge in our kitchen. Even so, it's annoying, stands out as one of those little things that can potentially attract unwelcome questions / attention and so needs to be watched.

And now... it's off to do the watering

'Til next time...



Well-Known Member
hey jason just wondering....due to your conditions and all how long did you research before starting your first grow?


Well-Known Member
Nr. 4 is male..... and nr. 2 & nr 3....

hmmmm ..... Look great those plants btw a shame :(

if u put them in to flower mode for 2 day's and that show'd there 100% male.... if they were there before maybe 5% there female... ?

man i feel sorry and i realy hope im making a fool of myself saying this atm. for your sake :)


Well-Known Member
I agree with DWR, No.'s 2,4, and 10 look like males, I had two "feminized" BC Original Blueberry plants that turned out to be males and they had the same type of growth where you think the preflower is. Anyways plant still look really great, subscribed!:blsmoke:


Too many brownies
Looking nice healthy and dense
no. 2, no. 4, and no. 10 look pretty male to me man. Not sooo sure about no.3 but its lookin kinda male as well :?
Sorry but honestly they really do.
That sucks man
Do you still have all 10 of them going? that leaves you with 6 more.
You should end up with about 50-60% females...thats the average most people get.

Oh and dont believe (or spread) that pure bull about males growing differently from females. Every strain has different phenotypes which grow differently regardless of sex. Some females will grow more like an indica short, dense, and dark green, and others will grow more like sativas tall, and lanky. Those different characteristics are called phenotypes and like I said regardless of sex any strain has different phenotypes within it. That right there completely blows the whole male, female growth characteristics theory right out of the water. Also the fact that when using a single light source some plants receive better light than others so that will effect how they grow as well (even if just slightly).


Active Member
I remember my first 2 plants (which I planted non-consecutively), when I found out the first oldest one was male "I was like HAH! I still have another plant that is good to go in 2 weeks.." Then that one ended up being male :'(.. So now I have 8 plants growing haha and if I get all males like my buddy did with his AK-47; I will probably cry.


Well-Known Member
Looking nice healthy and dense
no. 2, no. 4, and no. 10 look pretty male to me man. Not sooo sure about no.3 but its lookin kinda male as well well
You said exactly what I was going to say. I hope I'm wrong but 2, 4 & 10 definetly look male to me and 3 looks like the start of male flowers. They do look like healthy plants!


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:jason, my girlfriend and i have been following this thread closely and we are getting excited about starting our own grow! i just hope u get a lot of females for a great harvest!