SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jason, but I was more interested in the pics of your nodes with preflowers. I'll let you know what I come up with in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
well GRn man. me and J could help you out if you could show us some pics of your nodes. we could probally call them out of a male or female if we saw it. right JASON? haha


Well-Known Member
naw its not. but i took alil peice off and hit it outta my new lil bong=] ill put up a pic of it in my gallery. its a nice lil brain buster. lmao.


Well-Known Member
I don't got any pics..that's the thing.

I definitely know what a male looks like. This one is just hard because it's preflowers aren't showing anything yet, but they don't have balls everywhere.

It looks very similar to the early pics of his plant #10.

Here's a link to my journal if you want to read any of it...

You will find the sex talk around page 35 or so..

Also, it has female characteristics...compact and bushy..growth was slow compared to the male.


Well-Known Member
hey jason im interested too lmao. man but me and you are set tho. and well GrnMan. just look for something that looks like alil tube comming outta the nodes and its a female for sure. if its balls ull know like you said.


Well-Known Member
alot of them look amber. and well half the top cola is turning orange. bit the half of the top is stil pure white. so idk what to do. let it keep going. im not sure.


Well-Known Member

its the only one i could find for #10...
i didnt take many node shots of preflower for #10 but have for the others..very unfortunate im very sorry


Well-Known Member
Hey Jason sorry it's been so long since i've posted, been working all the time, Shit looking good as usual. I'll try to get you some pics of my girls, been 12/12 for almost 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member

its the only one i could find for #10...
i didnt take many node shots of preflower for #10 but have for the others..very unfortunate im very sorry
Yea, I wish I could take some pics to. It's hard to find really good early preflower pics. Most everything on the net has the hairs coming out of them already. I'll keep studying this pic and the other ones you had posted.


Well-Known Member
ya. but ima let her go another week but if i see the top of the cola start to turn amber ima chop her down.=] cant wait to actually see the monster cola on her naked as can be.


Well-Known Member
hell ya bro. you know whats up nigga. but naw i aint trying to do all that. im just bored ass hell man. you know you could jack up my threads too if you wanted.