Southwest Michigan

Should I start them in their final pot for outdoor? I think I got lucky trying a couple autos and transplanted from cup to threes on a indoor run some time ago
You can start in Solo cups but I'd want to be in the final container before hardening them off to go outside. Transplant them before two weeks from germination and you should have no problems.
I start mine indoors mid-may and transplant into the garden about june 7-10 looking to pull them mid august +/- Depending on strain. This year I'm planning on running Smoking Monkey Genetics Critical '22 & his Durban auto (Found on Strainly). Both of which are roughly 11 week autos. Switched to autos for outdoor so I can harvest before the cold-rainy mold season sets in. -Muskegon County
I'm 90 minutes away in chicago, I'm gonna try out some autos outdoor for a bumper crop this year too.. planning on starting them may 5th or 6th and putting them in the ground a week later.

I've got some wicked pissah freebies but gonna order some sativa dominant strains from fast buds..or another auto breeder if somebody can recommend an outdoor winner.