Space Age Greenhouse for phenotyping

thump easy

Well-Known Member
okay cool i like this idea way to much money good for a hell of a hole lot of things....the root structure i would have like to see if they could have added mabe a lil bit of color to the water like wen you get an in jection of something n then they scan u threw that million dollar machine or a few million dollar for ex rays machine but what they inject in you as a human to see the sertain ogans in you im shure they could do that to the roots to get it to pop out better but i would love to see that done in hydro or air wich is more space aged that dirt.... so like he sead he is in film not in alot of other things but he has teamed up with pritty intelegent people fucken cool i loved this the spokes person is a lil borring man i had trouble keeping my atention span but i thank u for the post its kick ass man........


Active Member
Sure seems to take a whole lot of time to process ONE plant as per their demo :P

Do they not understand the manutention costs of moving around 200,000 little plants over to their conveyor belt

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well for the sake of soil or coco thats great but for us water junkies what the fuck... it doesnt grow the same in soil than water but if it is... dam thats the good news better genetics man y cant we get some shit like that funded buy the goverment..... lolz cool shit thow