Space Bomb male auto-ed


Well-Known Member
So a little background info.... at first I was pretty stoked that I had a Space Bomb male to cross with my Querkle female, then I noticed that the male was forming pretty serious pre-flowers. After about a three weeks since being sexed the male is tossing out pollen... so I guess it's auto-flowering..? I don't know if it's something recessive, or caused by stress, any thoughts?


Should I just toss it out now? I was going to take about 5-6 clones and use them for various breeding projects.. I don't know about that now...


Well-Known Member
Title should have had a question mark at the end, it was more of question than a statement... thought I should throw that out there... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
How long has he been in veg?

Males can drop pollen when held in an extensive vegetative period.

Is it droppin bombs or is it jyst one or two flowers opening on the plant?

If you want to breed with him, knows the time to grab some pollen. Id harvest some pollen, and then get rid of him.


Well-Known Member
Its doing just what males do.
WE pick of early opening stamens to control pollen release.
Seriously there must be 20 people on these boards "Breeding" that should spend about a decade growing and learning how cannabis actually works before working with males. I grew for 3 decades before making a single seed!
Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for info, greatly appreciated. I don't have any real experience with males so I also thought this could just be normal, I guess it's all in the learning process :)

He's also been vegging for two months, btw...


Well-Known Member
I also think this is the perfect time in my ganja growing timeline to work with males, why would I wait ten years to figure out how males work when I can reach out to a community and gather info... sheesh..


bud bootlegger
how old are you sub, christ, you must be 70 sumthing if you've been growing for 30 years before you ever made one bean if you've been in the seed business for 20 years or so, unless of course you started growing right out of momma's womb, just a question that always comes to my mind when you spout off these numbers of growing for 3 decades before making a single seed is all.. you don't look like you can be much older than i am, and i'll be 40 this year, i'd put money on the fact that you can't be but a few years older than me... musta started growing at a very young age, lmao..


bud bootlegger
who on earth starts growing when your 14? and no, that's not three decades, that's 20 sum years.. just sounds like he likes to through around those decade numbers mighty hard.. i highly doubt that dr greenthumbs been growing that long, and he's way older than sub..

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I started growing when i was 14, 15 although i do not take it as seriously as i do now, isn't this a bit irrelevant also off topic?

Keep the plant and let your female grow.


Well-Known Member
I grew my first Cannabis plant at 9 years of Age in a tennis ball can. (1970)
By 11 I had 600 plants outdoors that me and 3 buddies trucked water to in gallon jugs strung on a piece of 3/4 conduit.
My point was a became a really skilled grower before I ever thought of growing out male plants
I welcome everyone into the breeding pool why else would I post how to to it?
But I still think you should be the cat in your area that grows the best weed before ya start making your own hybrids.



Well-Known Member
if I make a couple crosses or f2s of a strain so I can have seeds I wouldn't really call myself a breeder.

There's a differance between doin what you (sub) does and just trying to make seedstock for personal grows.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe there is any problem with me breeding, or anyone else (given they have decent conditions/cicumstances) for that matter. I'm not a "breeder", but when you cross a strain you're breeding it, lol :roll:

I'm not into that whole elitist stuff, just here to improve the gene pool, and stock up for my own personal, medical purposes.

You're obviously entitled to your own opinion Sub, but like I said, not into the elitist bull; being the guy that grows the best bud relative to people around me is irrelevant in my garden, so I would never limit or stagnate myself based on something so trivial :bigjoint::bigjoint:

-just my own opinion, I'm not trying to insult, and sorry if that auto talk was indeed insulting, could have worded it better. I appreciate your work man, it builds a solid foundation for us growers.


Well-Known Member
Personally I can't wait to cross these, I've been waiting to do this all year....


Querkle and Space Bomb in the back. SB is the smaller of the two, I think he is a good candidate, short, stinky, good growth, I guess I'll see....



Well-Known Member
i just finished 2 space bombs, they definately stay nice and bushy with topping during veg but they stretch alot in flower. im just now starting to smoke the end product and its super daytime smoke. its almost like "enlightening" smoke if you know what i mean. from what iv seen the querkle is a slow vegger and a short and stocky finisher. heavy indica smoke that is very tastey.

crossing it with a heavy indica might take away that enlightening effect and dull it down to more sleepy time smoke, but if thats what your goin for it should smell and taste great!

I believe our "breeding" status is aka pollen chuckers lol. i have made seeds and enjoyed there fruit but i still learn more with each new strain i bring into the garden.

good luck to you and your seed project


Well-Known Member
I just recently had a male Querkle do the same thing on an 18/6 cycle two months veg. Am clueless as to why, except that it appears it just happens sometimes.