Space per foot of growth


Well-Known Member
When growing in soil, the rule of thumb is 1 gallon per foot of growth right? Well how do these rules apply with growing Aero/Hydro? Like i.e. how many gallons per foot of growth?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
you doing aero or hydro? 2 different things.Like with my aero system I run 28 3 inch net pots 7 pots per 4 foot section and keep a 40 gal res with about 30 gal of water init.Now if your looking for reccomend growing space per plant optimal yeild reccomends usually 2 sq meters per plant.


Well-Known Member
you doing aero or hydro? 2 different things.Like with my aero system I run 28 3 inch net pots 7 pots per 4 foot section and keep a 40 gal res with about 30 gal of water init.Now if your looking for reccomend growing space per plant optimal yeild reccomends usually 2 sq meters per plant.

2 square meters per


Uses the Rollitup profile
That's what I said, too! :mrgreen:

About 7 sqft/plant is most of the sweet spot of a horizontal reflector. You could certainly grow a nice plant with 1 plant/reflector, but I think I could get a better yield in that space with more plants.

But if you scrogged it, and vegged it for several months ... bongsmilie


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well the 2 square meters is for optimol growth and yeild.Youd be growing a 5-6 fott plant and the measurment would be the total volume of the are including HxWxL.This is to max a plant now scog and sog are 2 different methods which require less room but yeild les per plant but allow more total plants which in turn can yeild a larger total amount.All suggested amounts of room are realative to the size of the are and terms of growth you have to select from.If you order seeds usually they will tell you suggested optimol growth room per plant suggested but like I said its all realative.Have fun either way.My aero system cups from center to center are 18 inches apart but I plan to veg to only 18 inches and hopefully bud at maxe 32-36 inches trimming and topping.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I think that you'll find that a 3 foot tall plant is too big for most aero systems, even with 18 inch spacing. Not that she won't have the root system to grow the plant, but the stability of the aero cup in the system to hold up that big a plant, weighted down as she will become with huge flowers heavily dripping with resin.



Active Member
NO disrespect intended here but.............18 square feet is not needed to grow 1 plant. Unless your gonna grow an elm tree. :)


Well-Known Member
Well the 2 square meters is for optimol growth and yeild.Youd be growing a 5-6 fott plant and the measurment would be the total volume of the are including HxWxL.This is to max a plant now scog and sog are 2 different methods which require less room but yeild les per plant but allow more total plants which in turn can yeild a larger total amount.All suggested amounts of room are realative to the size of the are and terms of growth you have to select from.If you order seeds usually they will tell you suggested optimol growth room per plant suggested but like I said its all realative.Have fun either way.My aero system cups from center to center are 18 inches apart but I plan to veg to only 18 inches and hopefully bud at maxe 32-36 inches trimming and topping.
Just out of curiosity what is your understanding of the word optimal. 2 meters optimal space per plant, sounds crazy to me. Thats a total area of 282 cubic feet per plant. For every 6.5 foot square of floor space you get one plant. Your speaking crazy talk.


Well-Known Member
Eh I think a meter squared would be a much better measurement. A comfortable pocket for a good sized plant.


Well-Known Member
I thought optimal meant that it all all factors into consideration and came out best overall.

So to be optimal it has to take into account potency, time to grow, cost to grow, final yield and taste.

So to grow a plant to its optimum would you grow 1 plant in 2m sq that takes ages to flower due to size or 8 smaller plants that achieve the same amount in less time and produce better tastier buds.


Well-Known Member
When growing in soil, the rule of thumb is 1 gallon per foot of growth right? Well how do these rules apply with growing Aero/Hydro? Like i.e. how many gallons per foot of growth?
as far as volume of pot size per plant goes, for hydro you need less volume per foot of growth than you need in soild. I think it's because the nutrients are brought right to the roots and not the other way around. I have a 34 inch plant in flowering right now in a 3/4 gallon pot. She is doing very well. SOme will say you don't even need one that big.