Spacing Shroom Trips


Sr. Verde

So I picked up a shit tonne of shrooms the other day and ended up having close to 13g for $50

So I took 4 Thursday and was hoping to trip this Saturday (Halloween)

Is this a bad idea? Any health risks?

I don't plan on tripping for a while after that...

Any help accepted

~Sr. Verde
So I picked up a shit tonne of shrooms the other day and ended up having close to 13g for $50

So I took 4 Thursday and was hoping to trip this Saturday (Halloween)

Is this a bad idea? Any health risks?

I don't plan on tripping for a while after that...

Any help accepted

~Sr. Verde

yo dude i did something similar a couple months back. and i had a krazyass trip on the second day but the first day was great. but so just start with a couple


Well-Known Member
most years I pick a kilo or so of mushrooms and keep them to sell at glastonbury festival. About 20 years ago me and a few friends would trip all the time and I believe our record was every night for about 4 weeks. We never weighed anything but all I know is we used to get through carrier bags You dont need to worry about a couple of times in a week!

Sr. Verde

I was really glad to read your posts!

I started out with 1g and felt nothing

Ate another 1.5 started feeling it a bit

Decided to go for it with my friend and ate another 2.5 (totaling 5g)

Then i started dipping off and ate another .5

(the last 2g were all like micro shrooms, like they had little itty bitty caps and they were probably 2mm tall)

And damn dude I hooked up some herb tripping out on 5.5g and there was a COP right behind us when we did the deal! Me, my friend, his friend in the car, and myself were the only people on the street. I tried to act normal walking away up the street after i handed him 2.6 of some purple haze... The cop followed me up the street and damn I was waiting for him to turn his lights on I could see the house with the party where I was posted up at and I was just praying to god those lights didnt turn on! My eyes were SO dilated you could barely see the brown in my eyes they were like 95% pupil