Sparkletts Drinking Water?


Active Member
It says it's R/O filtered, BUT it also says it has minerals added - sodium bicarbonate (what we call baking soda) and sodium sulfate (I have no idea). It has a neutral Ph and around 26 PPM, so it's good right? I don't have to worry about those trace minerals that they add for taste, do I? This is to be used for heavy flushes cause I'm almost done BTW. I bought the water just to get the five gallon jugs for next time though. I'll get them filled at water stations. They were 12 bucks a piece at Target but I got the Sparkletts truck guy who delivers to my work to sell me three for 15. Does anyone think it's sketchy to have 15 gallons delivered every month or 4 weeks? Right now the outside of the house smells a bit, but I'm getting it under control.

Peace :joint::peace:

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Not sketchy at all We have Poland Springs delivered to our house, We actually drink it though, We dont use tap water for anything around here. We get 6, 5 gallon jugs of water every 4 weeks. So that's 30 gallons of water every month and have been for about 3 years now.


Active Member
No but R/O is no bullshit, it is better. And you don't have to worry about random bacteria and stuff thats in your water supply/piping. My tap water is only about 260 ppm and decent ph but something in it causes this plague of mysterious black sooty mold. Any suggestions? I know a lot of people use just thier tap water and never check it, but I've seen the difference.