spdermites so close to finishing


Active Member
:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused: any

advice on mii deliemma

well as of the 2nd of feb was mii 8th week in flowering....and i've decided to let her go until about the 10th week......but as of today ...actually right now i have noticed spidermites...in the soil.

i have been watering with the molasses and and was planning on flushing as of tuesday...but now i am at a lost point as to what to do.

i've checked the buds to and foliage to make sure that it has not spread..

since this morning i have been misting the soil with a mild detergent and water solution.

i am thinkin about just going ahead and harvestin.....within the next couple of days...OR.......switching the pot and soil out.....as i have read in other grow faqs


Well-Known Member
brother idk i have never had that problem whats you humid level if its high lower it and keep on sprayin i would prolly harvest soon if i saw spreading cb/c that can potentially compromise the wholel grow