special kush,vanilla kush,pinneapple chunk-1000 watt ebb & flow


Well-Known Member
the royal specail kush will out perform the rest im betting
ive grown this strain in dirt and it had large buds but it had the same problems with cal/mag def and lots of its leaves died and fell off.the healthiest one is the vanilla kush but the bigger ones are the 4 specail kush in the back


Well-Known Member
heres an update for you guys,its 12 days flowering and there getting bigger by the day.i lollypopped them a few days ago and they bounced back fine.im still having algea problems and i think its holding my girls back alittle.Does anyone have any suggestions on algea control other than h2o2,i need something that kills the algea not just slow it down.



Well-Known Member
If your using completely synthetics, i'd use chlorine or chloramine. Forget the amount, its pretty low, but works better the h2o2 and no problem as long as u have synthetics.


Well-Known Member
whats up riu?its been 14 days since i switched to 12/12 light cycle and the girls are doing great.i just put in the 1000 watt hps and its really bright compared to the 400.the temps get too high though(90 deg far) so im getting the a/c hood in about a week.i tied up the osilating fan so it stays at the tops of the plants and tomorrow when i change the res out im gonna start using beastie bloom to start putting on some good weight on these nugs.i topped the new mother plant a 2nd time the other day so its starting to get really bushy.this raw deisel gonna be good on the next grow.as always,comment and questions are encouraged.



Well-Known Member
i finally got the air cooled hood but i have to get a 6" to4" reducer to hook it up but i got it rigged to suck out alot of the air.i also put a vent duct into the floor duct so the cool air from the cenral air goes right into the tent.the new mother plant is doing awesome ,getting really bushy.the nugs are starting to swell up pretty good for being just 18 days flowering.im gonna have to tie some of these tops down cause my light is all the way up,this will also help get the light on the inside of the plants wich means a bigger harvest.comments are welcome as always.



Well-Known Member
i just got the reducer so ill be hooking up the a/c hood tonight and this will improve the temps alot,hell,it already has alot but a little more will be alot better


Well-Known Member
i finally got the a/c hood up and running.the temps are down a ton.when the central air is running the temps are 78 deg and when its off the temps are 85 deg so its doing its job.i still have to vent the light out of the room itself cause the tent is on my front porch and the air in the room just recurculates.im sure when i vent it out the window the temps will stay at 75 all the time,well,i hope it does.comments are welcome



Well-Known Member
Things should pick up nicely for you now, you will especially notice the difference on your next run when you have you temps controlled for the whole grow. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
whats up everyone,its been 21 days since i switched to 12/12.the girls are doing great and there starting to put out some trichomes.some of the leaves are starting to get little nitogen def so i added a little more of the oneness.heres some close ups of the girls and a wide veiw of the set up.



Well-Known Member
well,i have horrible news.my vanilla kush turned full-out hermie.i went in to the tent to check the ph of my res and i seen a male (bannana)flower sitting on the res,i looked at the girls and theres balls EVERYWHERE:evil:!!!!!about 25% was already opened so this freaks me out alot.i carefully cut her down and tossed it.im sure some of my buds got pollinated:cry: but i hope not to many of them.so now im down to 4 specail kush #1 and 1 pineapple chunk. i had to tie down some of the tops so there already too big but ill make it work with a little bit more lst



Active Member
Gutted!! :-(
But I'm subbed :-)
I'm hoping that pineapple chunk survives, iv got a fem seed for a future grow


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about it being hermie but wy chunk it,patiently go over the plant with tweezers and pikem off,,i done many like such and jus get few seeds,jus sucks yu have tu really earn it doin daily walks,but actually all is not loss.alot of ppls fems hermieing ,sux.


Well-Known Member
i didnt really want to deal with the plucking and risk the chance of missing stuff.i plan on taking 6 clones from my raw deisel this weekend so ill have more plants to come so no worries as far as numbers or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
so was it barneys farm fems?i'm doin 9 purple kush fems,waiting on my og kush 18 fems and godbud and white widow..


Well-Known Member
yes,it was a freebie that i got with my last order,it seems like i always have some kind of trouble with the freebies.


Well-Known Member
Damn, been hearing a lot of bad things about Barney's farm stuff on here lately. I think I'll avoid them... my LA Woman freebie turned out great, so they aren't all bad.


Well-Known Member
Those Kushberry fems is the way to go,berriest dank there is and pulled 60g dry avg in 3 gallon buckets.no hermies. my og kush 18 las time had a few bananas on the bottom branch of one and picked them off and it never did it anymore, still got about 10 seeds tho on a bud.i was gonna do the KB but they restocked after i bot my selection now, but def nex.Hope my warlock and motivation freebies do well.also dont do dutch passion fems,,like run fast from them,hermies galore,lol.i like big buddah fems,and flying dutchman real good also.reserva privada and DNA are top knotch.always get hermies from greenhouse also.


Well-Known Member
i always had good luck with greenhouse seeds,i guess it just depends on good old luck,lol.i want to try that kushberry,it sounds really good,maybe on the next order